Vbulletin like forum frontpage?

Is it possible to have a Vbulletin-like forum frontpage? I understand that also having ''latest post/amount of posts'' shown requires alot of extra work for the implementation so if it's like this it's cool too: http://forums.somethingawful.com/

That's basically the only thing that Vanilla forums is missing imo and caused me to switch to another forum software a year ago. Just checkin' back to see if that feature is added now, hope so because Vanilla is truly a great forum software! :)


  • Yeah, in the later versions of vanilla you can show the categories page as the homepage. ie: http://vanillaforums.org/categories/all
  • ^Ah that's great! Is it also possible to have those categories split into sections? Like do you see the black ''All categories'' text above the categories? Is it possible to have that black text multiple times throughouth the whole thing splitting it into multiple sections?(such as main, music, offtopic)

    And one more thing, on Vbulletin you can have small little subsections showing underneath the categories. For example: you have the category HipHop Music and want to have the subsections ''downloads'' and ''news'' showing right under neath it in a smaller font. Is that possible?

    Thank you for the reply :)
  • You can do something like this:

    You just create the categories, drag and drop to get the right nesting. Then just select the option of "Display root categories as headings." A bit of theming and you can do a lot with it. There are a fair few options, maybe setup a test board and play around. You can set it so categories over x levels deep are shown as a list.
  • ^Ah alright yeah that's what I would like. But the thing is, unless there's multiple levels of categories I can't do much with the theming. Is it possible to have another subcategory underneath ''rock'' for example? If that is possible I can easily edit that element in CSS and make it appear the way I want :)

    Thank you once again for the reply.
  • http://cl.ly/3T3y2c1q0F2x2q2I021f
    You can just keep on going.
    Each category gets a class called Depth[x], so Depth1 to Depth3.
  • ^That link does not work. But thank you for the help. I'll definetly going to use Vanilla forums again now 8)
  • Works just fine for me, try again maybe. Anyways, yeah next thing i'd do is have a play around. Either on your own host or vanillaforums.com
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