Add On Manage Problem: "Add-on already exists"

SpencerMcSpencerMc New
edited May 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
When attempting to use this plug-in to install new add-ons, I repeatedly get an "Add-on already exists" error after pasting the download URL (direct link to the file, ending in .zip) and clicking install. The add-ons have not been installed. They are not in the dashboard, and when accessing the server directly via ftp, the directories are not present in the "plug-ins" folder.


  • I am having this same issue.
  • Same thing here, i was trying to install "SEOCompanion 0.2.1 " and the first time I got and empty page that says "Error ...something... *i forgot*"
    Then when i tried again I got the "Add-on already exists" message.

    BTW, Installing that plug-in manually worked, so the file is ok.
  • to add to my above comment i found a file with the name "" and zero size in my forum folder on the server.
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