Direct link to a comment in e-mail dont work.

TorbjornTorbjorn New
edited February 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I dont think this is a embed problem but i will describe my setup and problem.

I have a vanilla forum setup that only allow loged in members to view content.

I have embedded the forum in a WP site with the embed plugin. When someone comments on a discussion the user gets a mail with a direct link to the comment. Great.
But when the user clicks on the link the following happens:
1. A new browser window i opened and the "none embedded default vanilla forum login page" is opened
2. Then without any user input a redirect to the WP page with the embedded forum is made presenting the text 'You have to be a member to see any dicussions'
3. The user logs in, but.. The user is not redirected directly to the comment but to the forum startpage.

Question 1:
I have the vanilla forum installed in a subfolder of my webspace:
The WP demo site is installed in a different subfolder

When the mail is sent out to the member the link dosent include the path to the WP site only to the vanilla install:
Is this why i get the redirect decribed above? If yes. Workaround?

Question 2:
isn´t it possible to get a direct link to a comment with my setup? Solution?

I have tested without the option 'Force your forum to be viewed through the Remote Url' in the embed vanilla plugin settings in the Vanilla dashboard. With the same result (no direct link to comment)

Chris Coyier over at CSS Tricks has a Vanilla forum where direct links to comment works great. I do think he has a different way to embed Vanilla into WordPress. Anybody know how?


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