Shoutbox as home page Feature .
Hi there !
I,ve managed to add a shoutbox in the right panel thats working OK for time being.
Cant remember if it is Van2Shout or Chatroll .
Anyways , Some users requested that the Shoutbox should be a Main Feature on the homepage (above all discussions )
Is it possible to change the module positions and resize the Shoutbox ?
I,ve managed to add a shoutbox in the right panel thats working OK for time being.
Cant remember if it is Van2Shout or Chatroll .
Anyways , Some users requested that the Shoutbox should be a Main Feature on the homepage (above all discussions )
Is it possible to change the module positions and resize the Shoutbox ?
Anyways , gonna go this route and try and move the Shoutbox .
Will update when i have found a solution !
thanks for the reply but it havent solved my problem yet !
Yep, apparantly read too fast, answer not found
To be above all discussions, it needs to go the Content asset (IIRC), and then, yes, you probably need some theming.
ye , that makes sense . looks like i,m heading in the right direction.
The thing is , i only go basic HTML/CSS and PHP skills available to complete this task , but i think its my little exercise to figure it out .
Perhaps , if you'd be so kind . You mind pointing me in a direction where likeminded coders hang out that could explain to process of moving the shoutbox .
i,m at this stage of the fight
And hopefully we can have a modified theme to share with the community .
After, it should be CSS, I guess, or maybe use this, in your config file to move the modules:
$Configuration['Modules']['Vanilla']['Content'] = array('MessageModule', 'Notices', 'NewConversationModule', 'NewDiscussionModule', 'CategoryModeratorsModule',
'Content', 'Ads');
if you mind , do you mind to explain what do ?
change this line
public function AssetTarget() {
return 'Panel';
public function AssetTarget() {
return 'Content';
and add:
$Configuration['Modules']['Vanilla']['Content'] = array('MessageModule', 'Notices', 'NewConversationModule', 'NewDiscussionModule', 'CategoryModeratorsModule',
'Content', 'Ads');
to the vanilla/conf/config-defaults.php file ?
For the 2nd, you should put it in config.php (it's already in config-defaults.php).
Then, you may have to try to switch it's content so the order works for you. For instance, maybe up 'Content' right after 'Notices'.
But maybe it's not even necessary, you'll have to try.
Hope everybody appreciate it .
I,ll give it a go soon and post some results .
I tried the above method without any luck , but i saw sombody who got the tweak right . Perhaps he,ll make posts about his mod .