Textarea displayed when switching back from "preview" to "write" mode

edited August 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Steps to reproduce:
1. Click WYSIWYG and enter some text.
2. Click Preview
3. Click "Write Comment"

Effect: Above the TinyMCE window a textarea is visible.


  • Bugreport number?

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • The following patch makes the behavior of the textareas a bit better, but does not solve all the problems:

    In tinymce.functions.js replace the line
    if (!hidden) $(self).tinymce(tmce);
    with the following lines
    if (!hidden) {
    var textbox = $(self);
    if (textbox.attr("id") == "Form_Body") {
    textbox.attr("id", "Form_Body_" + (new Date().getTime()));
    var frm = textbox.parents("div.CommentForm");
    frm.bind("clearCommentForm PreviewLoaded", function(e) {
    tinymce.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, self.id); }); }
    textbox.tinymce(tmce); }
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