Skin compatibility with 0.9.3/1.0

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Will current skins/styles work with the next version of Vanilla? If not will it just be a matter of changing a couple of classes to get them working perfectly again or will we need to start again from scratch? If this has been covered before then I apologise.


  • bump :)
  • Um. Not as such, so far as i know. The theming engine will completely replace the existing style method and therefore a lot of things will change. On the assumption, however, that mark will be releasing a theme similar or identical to the one which is essentially in use at present, one could also assume that styles designed to match this theme would still work. But i dont know how many of the classes/whatever will have changed. Without mark to answer, i wouldnt have thought starting *from scratch* will be necessary, but similarly i imagine they will require some work on them to bring them in line with the new methods.
  • Vanilla Staff
    Your styles will work fine with the Vanilla theme. Nothing in the vanilla theme's xhtml has changed. It's just going to be a matter of moving your stylesheets into the new folder.
  • Excellent! Great news thanks Mark, makes me rest easy at night now ;)
  • well blow me. remind me in future to just answer 'it'l be easy, everythings perfect.'
  • Vanilla Staff
    hahaha :)
  • Vanilla Staff
    edited November 2005
    Well, let me spell it out so it makes a little more sense how themes and styles will work together. Here's that file structure for themes again:


    In that structure, there are three themes: faesthetic, minivanilli, and vanilla.

    Each theme has a fixed set of templates, but can still have multiple styles, so in the base folder of each theme, there are two folders: styles and templates.

    The templates folder contains the template files for that theme. The styles folder contains subfolders which will be named after that "style" for that "theme".

    So, in that screenshot, there is only one "default" style for each theme. But when the next rev of vanilla is released, all of your current styles will need to get thrown into another folder within the styles directory of the vanilla theme.

    The only other thing I changed was that within each style directory, I made subdirectories for the various custom js, images, and css files. Just to keep things neat and tidy.

    The only complication I can see arising from this new system is that any images you used in your old stylesheet may need to be relinked - unless you used absolute paths to begin with, in which case you're fine.
  • "minivanilli" just sound straight up creepy if you ask me. But +10 for taking up on the structure :D
  • minivanilli has got to be the o8 style and i am soooo psyched for that.
  • it is indeed. And i'm getting the impression lech really doesnt like the name. I love it though...*obviously* mark named it after me...
  • It sounds too much like "Milli Vanilli" :P
  • Oh, btw... I was thinking about "Chocolate"... cuz chocolate goes well with Vanilla... :P *registers"
  • edited November 2005
    I like the style, the name just sounds a bit wrong :D

    I'm in love with Milli Vanilli, though.

    I'm fanboy #1!!!!!

  • Vanilla Staff
    Wow, lech. I had no idea...
  • blame it on the raaaaaaaaaaiiiiinnn....
  • It sounds too much like "Milli Vanilli"

    haha, youre joking right?
  • lol!
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