.css not updating

edited December 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I am modifying the default vanilla theme, which went fine for a while, but eventually the .css stopped updating.

The html is calling:

While it should be calling at least:

I need help clearing this cache/version feature.


I'm not using minify
I've cleared all .ini files from /cache


Best Answer

  • Answer ✓

    So after about an hour of fiddling with this, I figured it out.

    I'm using my site with CloudFlare and forgot that it caches my css:)


  • Answer ✓

    So after about an hour of fiddling with this, I figured it out.

    I'm using my site with CloudFlare and forgot that it caches my css:)

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    Whenever you make a change to your theme's css be sure to increment your theme's version in your $ThemeInfo array.

  • Thanks Todd

    Was looking for something like that.

  • Todd said:
    Whenever you make a change to your theme's css be sure to increment your theme's version in your $ThemeInfo array.

    Hi Todd,

    Can you explain what does that mean "increment your theme's version in your $ThemeInfo array"
    I have the same problem. Cannot see CSS updates in case Vanilla load from \cache\Minify...

  • Zhanat when you make changes to your theme, you have an about.php file in your theme folder.

    there you have $ThemeInfo['your_theme'], in it you have Version => 'some_number',;

    You might have 'Version' => APPLICATION_VERSION but this is not advisable.

    Say you have '0.1' change it to '0.2'. it really does not matter what number scheme you have so long as you update the number, and you don't use a previous one it will update the cache. you can have characters in there too, like 'v0.1', etc.

    grep is your friend.

  • x00 said:
    Zhanat when you make changes to your theme, you have an about.php file in your theme folder.

    there you have $ThemeInfo['your_theme'], in it you have Version => 'some_number',;

    You might have 'Version' => APPLICATION_VERSION but this is not advisable.

    Say you have '0.1' change it to '0.2'. it really does not matter what number scheme you have so long as you update the number, and you don't use a previous one it will update the cache. you can have characters in there too, like 'v0.1', etc.

    Thank you! I have changed the version (using Vanilla Default) in about.php and it don't want to be ubdated. May be I should wait a little bit after I change it?

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited December 2011

    sorry what is your theme name, where you have put your css?

    if you delete the files in cache/Minify/ it should work, but you it is recommended when you are doing your own custom theme that you create your own by copying the default over, and specifying your own meta. Then in future when you update the version, it will update the cached version.

    grep is your friend.

  • x00, using defaultsmarty-theme-1.0. Trying to change \dashboard\design\style.css, \defaultsmarty\design\custom_bigcity.css etc.
    In localhost everything works perfectly and firebug refer to exact .css (not \cache\minify...)

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited December 2011

    first of all best not edit the core, you can copy style.css and admin.css to your theme's design folder.

    secondly can you post the content of your about.php file

    grep is your friend.

  • Hi x00,

    Thank you very much! I copied style.css and admin.css and all works perfectly.

  • I had the same problem. All my files where cached in $VANILLIA_ROOT/cache/css
    I've cleared the CSS cache and removed write persmissions (chmod -R a-w cache/css) That did the trick for me and I can finally go ahead with building my theme.

    However the cache is a good thing, so use it when you're done ;)

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