Remove Category Management from right
I want to remove category management toggle box . Some body assist which file i have to touch.
Best Answers
Jongos ✭
whu606 MVP
That's right - that's actually both of them.
The space indicates that (afaIk) the element takes rules from the Box class AND the CategoryFollowToggleBox.
You don't want to affect the Box rule, as that will affect all elements that have that rule.
So in your custom css file add a rule like this:
.CategoryFollowToggleBox {display: none;}
and the element won't display.
Go to the Dashboard
Forum - Categories -
tick box for 'Do not display the categories in the side panel.'
this is not what i am asking. i am asking to remove this :
this comes in right side.
@jongos can you help me with this?
i can't view the image... maybe upload it somewhere else?
i guess you're talking about the one in the Dashboard, right?
get the picture uploaded...
@jongos here it is :
@todd i was waiting for you. Please help me with this. Seems like no one here know how to remove this.
I could simply post the answer, but then what have you learned?
You've posted a fair number of questions recently.
If you are going to alter your theme then you really need to get to grips with using something like Firebug in Firefox to inspect the elements you want to change.
Using that you can find what things are called in the css stylesheet.
Elements you don't want can be 'turned off' by applying 'display: none' to them.
If you want to experiment with theming, I uploaded a theme called annotated_css which shows you which rules change basic features of the forum.
not sure since i'm new myself, but here's my bet:
The module is : /applications/vanilla/modules/class.categoryfollowtogglemodule.php
I think it would be simpler to change the css in the stylesheet.
@whu606 changing css won't help i think. I may be wrong. i am using inspect element but not able to remove that :-(
Well I just did it with css on my test server!
I'm not trying to be difficult, honestly.
If you work it out for yourself you'll be so much further ahead.
What are the two names of the element class?
Come on, you can do this!
@whu66 one is Box CategoryFollowToggleBox ?
He's asked for the file...
Now knowing the module file he could :
you CAN hide page elements via CSS.
.CategoryFollowToggleBox { display:none; }
That's right - that's actually both of them.
The space indicates that (afaIk) the element takes rules from the Box class AND the CategoryFollowToggleBox.
You don't want to affect the Box rule, as that will affect all elements that have that rule.
So in your custom css file add a rule like this:
.CategoryFollowToggleBox {display: none;}
and the element won't display.
the advantage for users of getting the hang of the css , and inspecting with Firebug, is that once they know how to do it, they can make most of the changes they want to to customize their theme.
Thanks @whu606 and @jongos :-)
i would like to add to my own comment, i dont want to mislead someone who might gonna read this discussion in the future.
I've just learnt that modules dont appear on all page, only on pages where it's controller calls for that module.
so if one want to remove the class.mymodule.php, he has to edit all controllers that call $this->AddModule('MyModule').
That is quite a messy for someone who is not even familiar with CSS, much less PHP.
Removing view files doesn't guarantee that modules are not gonna output anything because MyModule::ToString gonna get called.
I can't find the css file where this command is located. I've searched for the last hour. I am using version vanilla-core-2-0-18-1.
@newbie you have to add this in css file.
@jongos so what do you suggest? I edited css file. Is this not the right way to do? To do it properly i have to be into that mess of removing all calls that controller making? right?