How can I embed Youtube, Slideshare in comment?

edited February 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi, I'm using version with Bluehost

I can't embed youtube video or slide from slideshare or document from scribd. It only show a link. But I can embed a flash object properly.

Can somebody help me out? Thanks you very much.



  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    You can embed youtube videos just by pasting the link from the browser.

    Unfortunately, slideshare and scribd embeds via iframes which open up a vector for malicious code. We have plans to whitelist external sites for embeds, but until then you can't embed those sites.

  • TurbolegoTurbolego New
    edited February 2012

    I'm looking for a solution to this very problem myself.
    I need to allow my users to post google maps, which also uses iframes.

    To avoid the problem with hazardous html-code, i want to use htmlawed rules to only allow iframes starting with "<iframe marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="" to be posted.

    I will try to figure out how to configure htmlawed to do this, and if i'm successful, i'll make a plugin.
    But right now i'm completely lost. =P

    Btw. you can allow all your users to post raw html code using the AllowRawFormat plugin, but i would not recommend it.

  • @todd any news on the whitelist? @turblego, did you ever figure this out? Need to find a way to embed Gists from Github. Have had no success trying to create a filter

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    via Email
    We haven't done anything on this, no.
  • It would be great if we could embed slideshare files.

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