How can I change the link for the header logo.

edited February 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Is there a way to change the link for the header logo? I am using the forum in a site, I would like to have the header logo go to the website's default page when clicked instead of the forum default.

Best Answer

  • edited February 2012 Answer ✓

    Yes you can. If you have a theme already check if it has a default.master.php, if it doesn't copy it from applications/dashboard/views/default.master.php into your theme's folder (/themes/YOURTHEME/).

    Then edit that file and look for:
    <a class="Title" href="<?php echo Url('/'); ?>"><span><?php echo Gdn_Theme::Logo(); ?></span></a>

    The simply change the href to point to your website.


  • edited February 2012 Answer ✓

    Yes you can. If you have a theme already check if it has a default.master.php, if it doesn't copy it from applications/dashboard/views/default.master.php into your theme's folder (/themes/YOURTHEME/).

    Then edit that file and look for:
    <a class="Title" href="<?php echo Url('/'); ?>"><span><?php echo Gdn_Theme::Logo(); ?></span></a>

    The simply change the href to point to your website.

  • Thanks so much for this. Just what i needed,

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