[Documentation] How to move new comment box position?
Now my new comment box like this :
Anyone can help me how to move the new comment box to right side?
Thank you.
Best Answer
422 MVP
in your custom css add this:
ul.DataList div.Meta strong { box-shadow: 0 0 2px #777777; left: 720px; position: absolute; top: 24px; white-space: nowrap; }
left moves the position to the right ( weird i know )
So if you set left at 650px it moves it to the left, and 720 moves it to the right at the moment ( you have minify ) and its set at 668px
You may have to clear cache and or add important to the attribute like:
left: 720px !important;
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Have you looked in firebug to identify it?
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I could tell you but post your link first
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there might be easier ways, this is just how i figured it out for myself.
open /themes/themefolder/views/discussions/helper_functions.php
and sourround it by
<span class="new"><?php
then move it where you want it to be inside the helper_functions.php
i have it before
<?php $Sender->FireEvent('AfterDiscussionTitle'); ?>
mine looks like this ..
Sorry I'm newbie in programming..
@peregrine : Sorry..I don't know how to use the firebug..
@422 : my link » http://forum.caricyber.com
@fh111 : I've try your suggestion but still not work
Anyway thanks to all give your reply.
in your custom css add this:
left moves the position to the right ( weird i know )
So if you set left at 650px it moves it to the left, and 720 moves it to the right at the moment ( you have minify ) and its set at 668px
You may have to clear cache and or add important to the attribute like:
left: 720px !important;
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@422 : thank you so much
Your very welcome
There was an error rendering this rich post.
@peregrine : Sorry..I don't know how to use the firebug.
It's worth giving it a look or some other developer tools with your browser. Google chrome has there own and so does MS. It will save you countless questions. It's not hard. There are millions of tutorials.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.