Where is the head tag?

ruwan23ruwan23 New
edited July 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I want to edit head tag. Where is head tag?

Best Answer

  • 422422 MVP
    Answer ✓

    Use grep if you have it, or in vanilla main forum folder you downloaded, find default.master.php file , then in themes folder on your server add views folder and paste default.master.php file in there. Then edit that file, add analytics and save.


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  • by head tag what do you mean ?

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  • @422 I want to add google analytics and http://www.histats.com. Because I want to find head tag.

  • load analytics in footer.
    Just open default.master.php ( in your own theme>views) folder and add it towards bottom of the page before closing body tag

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  • thanks @422. I am using this theme. http://vanillaforums.org/addon/mynewtheme-theme. Views folder is empty. What should I do?

  • 422422 MVP
    Answer ✓

    Use grep if you have it, or in vanilla main forum folder you downloaded, find default.master.php file , then in themes folder on your server add views folder and paste default.master.php file in there. Then edit that file, add analytics and save.


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  • @ruwan23 apologies missed this reply, are you ok now?

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  • @422. It is ok. I edited the applications\dashboard\views\default.master.php file.

  • @ruwan23 the idea is that you do not edit applications\dashboard\views\default.master.php

    You copy the contents of a certain theme to your own theme.

    Let's say you are creating a theme for your own site called 'ruwan'

    In that case, look in this directory : /themes/ruwan/views/

    If that directory is empty then look in other view directory of a theme, for example : embedfriendly : /themes/embedfriendly/views/ and copy them over to your own theme : /themes/ruwan/views/.

    Last, just look at another theme to start with, because I think that 'mynewtheme' was a trial-and-error when someone uploaded that (not sure)

    @422 uploaded the theme that belongs to the tutorial he created.

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  • @UnderDog Please could you tell me why you say that do not edit applications\dashboard\views\default.master.php?

  • Read the tutorial link @underdog posted in his post above yours

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  • ^^ What he said ^^.

    One more thing (I don't know if it's in the tutorial specifically.

    applications\dashboard\views\default.master.php is the base file. You override that base file with the file(s) you create in your own theme. Then you style it using custom.css.

    Rule 1 is that you do not mess with that specific file.

    428 is the master of all themes, listen to what he says. Read his tutorial. It's really interesting. The themes he creates are amazing.

    There is 1 theme that is the result of his tutorial, I'm sure the link is in there somewhere. It's a good start to create your own theme and apply your own styling.

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