Import external community

MilingoMilingo New
edited August 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hello, this will be a long ride, have a seat :)

so, many years ago I installed the Lussumo forum and I did that with an hack, SSO wasn't as trendy as it is nowadays, so the best thing I could think of was to drop the LUM_User table and create a View at its place.

Of course I added all the fields required, if you wish to have a look at the schema click here:

Now it's upgrade time, and I hit a wall,
1) Proxyconnect isn't working
2) Jsconnect isn't honoring my community ID so, the username won't see all its activity because it's all ID related
3) I cannot create a new view because at the times I used Md5 to hash users' password and now I understand that Vanilla has a better system, but unluckily it won't work with mine.

what am I to do?
I really want to upgrade and stop using this 1.6.4 version I have now, but It looks like I'm out of options here. any help would be greatly appreciated


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    You can still use the md5 hashes from Vanilla1. When users sign in it will check the md5 hash and then re-hash the password to the current, more secure method.

  • MilingoMilingo New
    edited September 2012

    cool! one more question, do you think that this procedure could work?

    1. read all the unique users that used the forum during these years (comments, threads etc)
    2. for each user create a row in LUM_User with legacy ID and parameters (in order to maintain old threads association)
    3. use Jsconnect for authentication, new users will automatically connect to the forum and will have their own row inside LUM_User
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    I'm just wondering why you don't import your old forum into Vanilla. You can use the porter to export your old forum. If you do this you don't need jsConnect at all.

  • because, the forum doesn't have the LUM_User table at all but just a view and I don't want to import into the forum thousands of users that did never log in into the forum.
    I have a separate community and the ratio is 5/100. So I wouldn't like to import the actual view, knowing that the users will always be separated and a method to bring the new users into the forum will be necessary anyway.

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    Well you can still export the view. You can even put a where clause on it if you must. Although there isn't much of a reason to filtering the users out.

    If you are dead set on using jsConnect you'll need to do the following in my estimation.

    1. Program the authentication url part in Vanilla 1.

    2. Keep your old forum running in parallel so that users have a place to actually sign in to if they want to use their old username/passwords and haven't been imported into the new forum.

    3. Probably purge all of the content out of your old forum if you are importing it into your new forum.

    4. Hope your users don't get completely confused with the two forums running side-by-side.

    Importing all of the users is the best UX for your actual users though. That should be the most important.

  • Hi first of all thank you for your kind help.
    I'm trying to import the whole community but the importer keeps crashing, it's either out of RAM or simple Segmentation fault if I put the ram to unlimited.

    If I were to limit the import to just one user and then import all the userbase with another script, is there something I could use inside Vanilla API? maybe a add_user() function?

  • maybe you could look st the script and manually import tables.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • yeah I did that, easier said than done

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    What are you using for import.php? Is that the porter file that you renamed?

  • oh, yes. it was that file

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    How big is your community? I've exported some pretty huge tables and they've been fine.

  • More than a million users

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff

    Yikes. That's not really the kind of db the porter was intended to work on. There are some internal parameters on the porter to generate SQL, but they are probably going to be difficult for you to use. Let me see if I can get a SQL script uploaded here.

    Just keep in mind that very large exports will take some finessing so you'll need to be prepared to tinker with your forum.

  • do you think this could work?

    Apparently it does!
    (that's why I didn't want to import all the users in the first place)

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    via Email
    Looks good. Those are the two tables you need.
  • awesome. thanks!

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