Help! Bonk/ Error Issue

edited October 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I have tried and tried, but can not for the life of me figure out what is going on with my forum.

When left open it could take a few moments it could take several minutes but it always gets the BONK, or since I have it in the less user friendly message mode it just gives me info on the forum.

No actual info on what is wrong with it.

I fell into doing this sort of stuff as a hobby, but I am able to figure out most things I need via google and reading the codes. This nope, I have no idea.

It seems to be as though the forum is timing out instead of staying connected?

Any insight and potentially a walk through on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated.

Website address:

You do not need to be logged in to see error, just leave it open in one tab and wait a while.

bonk.png 141.5K


  • whu606whu606 MVP
    edited October 2012

    @UnderDog - I think the OP was saying they have the detailed error reprot turned on.


    That doesn't look like any Vanilla error report I've seen before.

    Are you sure it is Vanilla generating it, not your host?

    I went to your site, and left it open for a couple of hours, but didn't get any error report.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited October 2012

    ReferenceError: OneBit is not defined
    [Break On This Error]

    oneBit = new OneBit("/plugins/PlayMP3Links/1bit.swf");

    ------ also

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
    /vanilla/:20Uncaught ReferenceError: OneBit is not defined
    138event.layerX and event.layerY are broken and deprecated in WebKit. They will be removed from the engine in the near future.

    Is this another dog ploy (spam message) to have your site linked here, or are you on the level?

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I'm on the level though I haven't heard a Phrase like that in forever.

    The site is closed for a non-profit group so I hated even posting the link.

    I've contacted the host and they said it had to be an issue with vanilla.

    I'm frustrated and have searched the forums without finding a similar issue. Yes most of the other errors have SOMETHING to them. That is my biggest problem.

    I was hoping someone with more experience might know what I am missing.

  • Figures when I finally sum up the guts to ask for help it's not gonna do it.

    @whu606 said:

    UnderDog - I think the OP was saying they have the detailed error reprot turned on.


    That doesn't look like any Vanilla error report I've seen before.

    Are you sure it is Vanilla generating it, not your host?

    I went to your site, and left it open for a couple of hours, but didn't get any error report.

  • Okay so My hosting and my husband say it's an issue of my php.ini

    It's currently:

    memory_limit = 128M
    output_buffering = 4096

    Does this sound like the issue? If so what should it be set at?

  • Ok, let's take it step by step.
    I see in peregrine's post that he has that error, so let's focus on it.
    If it has something to do with the plugin he is referring to, I have to ask if you have that plugin on your forum. If so, can you disable it?

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Yes I have the plugin, I've disabled it, and will delete it if that's the problem.

    Don't know if this helps but this is the most recent Error I received.

    [/data/26/2/13/146/2502635/user/2741039/htdocs/vanilla/applications/dashboard/models/class.usermodel.php:623] UserModel->GetID();
    [/data/26/2/13/146/2502635/user/2741039/htdocs/vanilla/library/core/class.session.php:280] UserModel->GetSession();
    [/data/26/2/13/146/2502635/user/2741039/htdocs/vanilla/library/core/class.auth.php:36] Gdn_Session->Start();
    [/data/26/2/13/146/2502635/user/2741039/htdocs/vanilla/bootstrap.php:168] Gdn_Auth->StartAuthenticator();
    [/data/26/2/13/146/2502635/user/2741039/htdocs/vanilla/index.php:41] PHP::require_once();
    Variables in local scope:
    [ex] array (
    'errorInfo' => NULL,

    As a side note I'm sorry for the delay in replies. It's been a hectic couple of days.

  • @CellaScarpi

    When you get an error like the one you just posted, can you make sure you capture the top part of the message, as that is normally the part that gives what the error is.

  • I wish I could. It won't give me the top. It won't scroll up.

    @whu606 said:

    When you get an error like the one you just posted, can you make sure you capture the top part of the message, as that is normally the part that gives what the error is.

  • This is a difficult one. View the source of the Error page. Save all the source to a .txt file and actually let it end on .html please :-) Then upload that file. Hopefully you know how to delete important information (like path to your files) from that file.

    Or find the important information for us in the .html file and post the html code, if you know what I mean.

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

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