Avatars not showing on embed widget
I´m using the default embed plugin and trying to get user´s avatars displayed on my wordpress sidebar through the wordpress plugin. I´ve realized that their avatars don´t show problly due to image path problem, something with the # sign but .....what i must do?
Just to add that after an upgrade to the last version of the Vanilla plugin for wordpress things reain the same. No love. Any ideas?
how did you embed the forum? I embedded it as a new blog but named it Forum. Seems that is the best way to do it into WP. Everything works even on a mobile it shows with the mobile theme. A lot has to do with the theme css . The default theme is bare bones... Also the best theme to use in WP is Mantra because it gives you endless options and places to add stuff in the page. Also to show and hide things. But the vanilla forum is embedded as a iframe and you can't alter much once it is embedded. This has to do with the vanilla theme you are using not with WP. Unless the WP theme is not compatible with your vanilla theme.
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HI vrijvlinder
I´ve embeded following this guide and also using the "force remote url" feature.
The Vanilla theme i´m using is the Embed-Friendly but i´ll try the NICE Kasper´s Bootstrap as i love the look and responsive feature.
The WP theme is a payed one (Sterling - responsive) and it´s FULL of features including the possibility of creating side bars and it cames with lots of pages templates (also tried with the plugin´s vanilla forum page template - did not do the trick and with some of my wp theme too) no love on showing the avatars....so after hours trying, what i did:
Installed the [userlist-plugin] (http://vanillaforums.org/addon/userlist-plugin)
and everything looks ok now. So from now on I´m thinking about using only native vanilla plugins to add some features on its own side bar, you know?
vrijvlinder if you have time i´d like to ask you to take a look on this thread and see if you have some ideas... Untill now that´s what preventing me to open the forum :-)
Thank you very much for your input here,
@wilsoncortez send me or post URL to the problem and I will check it out.I think the problem is with embedded forum . Can I guess that when you try to log into via the embed nothing happens?
If so then you need to tweak something in the authenticate php because WP uses SSL so the URL starts with HTTPS when logging in .
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If you don´t mind, please lets move to the other thread. Just to keep things well organized here. What you think?
About the Avatars...
User avatars for each discussion in the list Make sure to put in the ( >) the tags I removed so the divs would show.
In /applications/vanilla/views/discussions/helper_functions.php
change div class="ItemContent Discussion"
div class="ItemContent Discussion" div style="float:left;margin-right:10px;margin-top:5px;" ?php echo UserPhoto(is_null($Last->UserID)?$First:$Last); ?
div style="clear:both"
Change in /plugins/Gravatar/default.php :
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I would like to change the Gravatar stuff is not needed anymore ...only the part for the helper-functions.
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did you fix it? the problem might be smaller then you think. had the same problem. check the paths of the images with e.g firebug. i just had to uncheck in wordpress under "Forum Integration"
I figured this one out, on line 384 of function.php in the plugin I changed
$PhotoUrl = ($IsFullPath) ? $User->Photo : vf_combine_paths(array($Url, 'uploads/'.vf_change_basename($User->Photo, 'n%s')), '/');
$PhotoUrl = ($IsFullPath) ? $User->Photo : vf_combine_paths(array('http://[your_domain]/[vanilla_forum]/uploads/'.vf_change_basename($User->Photo, 'n%s')), '/');
this makes the image src ignore the option to force the widget to use the embeded url
I am sure there is a smarter way to accomplish this but it works