Char encoding issue when the 'system user' create a discussion with comment integration

GeezUpGeezUp New
edited October 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


First of all, a big thanks to the team who is behind Vanilla Forums, amazing piece of software.
I deployed it alongside wordpress and the comments are integrated with vanilla.

Regarding the encoding issue, the website is multilingual (english/french) and the accents in french words (é è à ò ï ...) are correctly displayed in wordpress and also in vanilla when I create a discussion from vanilla or if we add comments (from vanilla or wordpress).

The only case where accents are not properly displayed is when the system user automatically create a discussion from a wordpress post.

I've been troubleshooting for a while. Encoding is utf-8 in wordpress and the vanilla database as well.
If I could get some insights about which code convert a wordpress post into a vanilla discussion, maybe I could find a way to fix this.
I'm about to check the vanilla forum wordpress plugin in case but if you guys have any clues, let me know - that would be very helpful.

All the best,


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