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[Solved] Vanilla Forums maxing out CPU on server

edited January 2013 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

We've been evaluating Vanilla Forums (not the hosted version) for a few months now, and we've even enabled it for our comments section on our wordpress site. Currently, that is the only usage we are getting out of it. For some reason, within the last couple of weeks, we've started getting runaway processes that are maxing out our CPU and causing our site to slow down to a crawl. What could be causing this? Why has it started doing this now? The only significant changes made during this time have been attempts to have the wordpress loop display the number of comments on a given post (which so far I have only gotten to work on single post pages)

Our site is
Our Vanilla install is


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    Ok, I figured out what was causing it- the count.js wasn't working on the index loop and kept on trying to execute on every comment hook on every post on the front page. I knew I needed to fix that but now I NEED to fix it

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    @thFOOLGT can you tell us how you got rid of it ? thanks

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