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Ban tool

As mentioned before several months back, the current Vanilla banning tool needs some improvements, namely, I'd like to set periods of time for bans and have the system automatically unban them after that, instead of permabanning them.


  • This could be done in a plugin, save their old roles serialised inside a field, and then set their roles to just to Banned, save their kick period to, then you can do a cron to unban them.

    It is not going to get done just by posting this discussion, you either have to do it yourself or pay someone to do it.

    grep is your friend.

  • Yeah, but this sort of thing should be core imo.

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited February 2013

    Vanilla is called Vanilla for a reason not "Tuti Fruti", "with Chocolate sauce and Sprinkles" or "all bells and whistles".

    Whether you think I aught to be in the core doesn't really change that, if you want to make something happen you have to take some initiative.

    grep is your friend.

  • This isn't a bell or a whistle though. This is a simple stupid essential feature.

  • According to you. How many of these essential feature request do you think the core team get every month? On persons idea of essential isn't another. Right not you can assign ban role, and reinstate roles.

    You want an automated feature, fair enough. But arguing about isn't going to make come quicker. I say that to all of these sort of expectant threads.

    grep is your friend.

  • stupid=simple? Oh good you should be able to handle it then.

    I hear these sort of arguments every day.

    grep is your friend.

  • Well if you want to make a feature request the best place is on GitHub.

    Knowing the core team, if they implement this feature it will need to go through a bunch of testing, it is unlikely to be back-ported.

    I wouldn't hold your breath for it happening any time soon. Just giving you the lo-down, if you want it now, then you need to develop it.

    You could also submit a pull request.

    grep is your friend.

  • @lukelarris said:
    Yeah, but this sort of thing should be core imo.

    Maybe they should, but , even if they were to be added, they would (eventually) get introduced in Vanilla 2.1, I don't see Vanilla 2.0 core being updated any time soon.

    As suggested by @x00, the best course of action is to implement missing features as plugins. I did the same when I developed the Logger and the Cron plugins, which I needed for my projects. Perhaps not the best solution, but better than nothing.

  • @lukelarris said:
    Well, I didn't start the argument, but I'm ending it now. As you're not a Vanilla employed developer, you have nothing useful to offer in this thread. I appreciate your opinion but it's not welcome in this case. Thanks.

    lol guy

    X00 not is Vanilla employed developer, but he do good support to this comunity, X00 and others ppls made greats jobs to this comunity.

  • edited February 2013

    @x00 said:
    Well if you want to make a feature request the best place is on GitHub.

    Knowing the core team, if they implement this feature it will need to go through a bunch of testing, it is unlikely to be back-ported.

    I wouldn't hold your breath for it happening any time soon. Just giving you the lo-down, if you want it now, then you need to develop it.

    You could also submit a pull request.

    Thanks, that seems like the best course of action. Shame the developers don't check the forums often.

    @Konquet said:
    lol guy
    X00 not is Vanilla employed developer, but he do good support to this comunity, X00 and others ppls made greats jobs to this comunity.

    I appreciate useful advice from him (as in the github suggestion) and I respect him as a talented developer, but I don't care for opinions from people on feature suggestions that aren't employed by Vanilla. This includes you, and it seems you have also misinterpreted what I wrote.

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited February 2013

    We all have interests, my interest if to keep the core clean. If you express you opinion I'll express mine.

    Maybe it could be implemented as a core plugin. Therefore it is one click away.

    grep is your friend.

  • I feel I need to insert a

    < rant >

    I don't care for opinions from people on feature suggestions that aren't employed by Vanilla

    Then why bother posting a query on a forum who's community is "Not Employed by Vanilla" ?
    The majority of plugins addons etc here, are provided by the non employed by vanilla. When someone needs a special plugin and it is worth making it, people do.
    They make them for themselves because this is a do it yourself kind of software.
    Then they share it with the community and people either use them or not.

    Shame the developers don't check the forums often.

    You don't come around enough I guess....but I see them and they do get involved.

    I appreciate your opinion but it's not welcome in this case.

    I am not sure if I am the only one who thinks this is totally disrespectful ??

    x00 is the most respected in this community and has given back enormously !!!
    If he can't help then no one can. His opinion is worth something because of his experience.

    I respect him as a talented developer

    But you don't respect him, or you would not have disrespected him ! lmao pouring sugar over a wound does not make it hurt less.....

    This is a self service type forum. However there are people willing to create useful things, but I doubt they can be strong armed into doing it....

    People should learn how to make plugins and apps on their on and not rely on others to do it for them.

    < /rant >

  • @lukelarris said:
    This isn't a bell or a whistle though. This is a simple stupid essential feature.

    Could you make it for me? I would love it but yes Im WAY to stupid

  • @lukelarris

    'simple stupid essential feature'

    a) way to go, Mr Motivator

    b) essential for whom?

    Not for me.

    I've been running a Vanilla forum for over two years, and I've never needed anything like what you are suggesting.

    I did need a way to put Categories and other Panel elements into a 'fold out' menu.

    No one had made what I wanted, so I got on with it.

    It never occurred to me to assume that Vanilla developers should do it for me.

    Feel free to not value this comment.

    I'll feel free not to worry about what you think.

  • @whu606 said:
    I did need a way to put Categories and other Panel elements into a 'fold out' menu.

    I'm going OT, but do you mean an "accordion" menu? I'm asking because it would the third time I hear about it this week (from unrelated people).

  • All right lesson learnt, lets not go overboard.

    grep is your friend.

  • @businessdad

    Sort of.

    We have lots of categories, so I wanted to hide the Category list, but leave it available.

    Once I'd sussed that, it made sense to expand it so I could add other Panel features which would be available if clicked.

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