Adding headers and footers *easily*?!

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I love this forum - but I can't seem to find any way of integrating it into my site easily. I'd like to use PHP includes to surround the forum with my website code. Another reason i'd like to do the includes option is that it would be easier to upgrade Vanilla than hacking into the code every time...


  • 0.9.2 or 0.9.3?

    With the latter, it would involve modifying two small and rarely changed template files.
  • 0.9.3 - please let me know what to change to get the PHP includes to work!
  • edited December 2005
    head.php and foot.php, both found in the themes/vanilla/templates/ folder.

    If you want to create a whole separate theme (not essential), you can do this.
  • Hmmm - there's no themes directory....
  • That is strange.
  • I've got a "styles" directory, but no "themes" directory. I just downloaded the full zip file from this site the other day, so presumably it's the latest version. In fact, I'm wondering how it gets its themes at all! Can anyone else help?
  • 0.9.3 is only available through SVN. If you downloaded the zip, you have, and you don't have themes.
  • In which case, as i understand it, you'll have to add things into the head render and foot render controls. There are people who have done this if you give it a bit of a search round the forums you might be able to have a go.
  • Also, for the record: 0.9.3 is *not complete* and not completely stable yet. It's a work in progress and not yet suggested to be used for much else then testing. If you have the latest stable build 0.9.2.x do a search for user created themes on the wiki. There's at least a half dozen up there by now.
  • i'm on 0.9.2 and i'd like to add a header to my site. i'm using lech's root_light style.

    any easy way to do this?
  • What sort of header? You can learn how to add a html banner in this thread: If thats any use.
  • thanks! i saw that thread but thought it only pertained to flash banners. i guess i didn't read far enough bad.
  • No worries. I barely read it atall i just hoped based on very distant memories that it contained the right information. And due to having godlike qualities i was right.
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