Facebook/Twitter/Google Sign-in all end up in blank page -I have tried to fix this for several hours



  • Here is the code that you can parse into http://jsonviewer.stack.hu/ to view the full objects from debug_backtrace that I show in previous post.

  • I am guessing here since I can't test anything- what is the view? As far as a return render doesn't return anything ever. It echoes out the info that is rendered.


    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited March 2013

    As @peregrine says instead of focusing all you attention on the core an entry controller first focus on on the plugin itself


     public function Base_ConnectData_Handler($Sender, $Args) {
       if (GetValue(0, $Args) != 'facebook')

    in class.facebook.plugin.php

    firstly do you have the dependences of the plugin is Curl working. Without curl, this plugin is as good as useless. I've seen it when people have a dependencies like curl, but something is disabled or not working, or blocked.

    grep is your friend.

  • Curl is working.. I have tested it..

    function get_data($url) {
            $ch = curl_init();
            $timeout = 5;
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
            $data = curl_exec($ch);
            return $data;
    echo get_data("http://www.yahoo.com");

    That echo string retrieved from http://www.yahoo.com

    @x00 for the Base_ConnectData_Handler.. the function doesn't return from that line.. instead it proceeded to the end of the function.. .. I have tested this for several hours.. that why I came up with the graphic to show you it doesn't stop inside the plugin.. And if the plugin causes thing to behave badly..why the script stops on "Render" function... why can't someone explain to me nicely and easily how this Render is called and what it will be doing next... How Smarty object is initiated. How AutoLoader is working.... I believe that it will be useful for anybody who happened to come into this for other reasons as well. I just want to get to the deepest line of code which causing the blank page. I should be able to "write log" above that line... and if I put another "write log" under that line, the second one won't be called.....

    BTW, I don't quite understand what @peregrine just said above...? What should I do now?

  • what have you got in /Smarty/compile any blank files?

    if smarty wasn't working at all you would not see the forums (if you were using the smarty master template)

    What is the view source of this blank page? Just blank?

    Can you also check it is not being redirected with javascript. The connect window. often will just show a small animated gif, if it is goign through.

    If there si somethign wrong with the Autoloader, then it is specific to your sort of setup.

    grep is your friend.

  • Ok More information

    Put this before the line of troublesome "Render()"

    if (method_exists($this, 'Render'))
        LogNow(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, "RENDER DOES EXIST OK!");
        LogNow(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, "RENDER DOES NOT EXIST!!!!");        
    $this->Render(); LogNow(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, "EXITING FROM RENDER");   

    Here in the log ouput

    2013-03-29 06:04:19 - /data/vhost/lososms/applications/dashboard/controllers/class.entrycontroller.php (540) EntryController::Connect -- "RENDER DOES NOT EXIST!!!!"

    The "Render" function doesn't exist in this Object.
    What could be causing this??? What should I do next?

  • Ah but this is to do with magic method



    grep is your friend.

  • vorapoapvorapoap New
    edited March 2013

    @x00 said:
    what have you got in /Smarty/compile any blank files?

    if smarty wasn't working at all you would not see the forums (if you were using the smarty master template)

    No file, but the forum is working.. I just tried replying a post.. it works fine.. but cache folder is still empty.. Here are all files inside cache folder.

    [root@narai cache]# find .

    What is the view source of this blank page? Just blank?

    Just blank. no source.. FireFox Tamper Data Plugin report no content (Empty in size).. but there is a normal HTTP Header from the Lighttpd.

    Can you also check it is not being redirected with javascript. The connect window. often will just show a small animated gif, if it is goign through.

    No there is no content.. The status bar informs that it already go to ..facebook.com then going back ... same as Twitter and Google plugin

    If there si somethign wrong with the Autoloader, then it is specific to your sort of setup.

    I set up this forum on the Linux machine and use the porter to export the data from my dev machine (Win/Apache) and import it back via dashboard.

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited March 2013

    you could debug library/core/class.controller.php from


    just be careful.

    grep is your friend.

  • I used to get into that function (feeling strange at the different in function name at first).. Ok I will use this detail loggin facility again and see what stop this.

  • vorapoapvorapoap New
    edited March 2013

    @x00 Ok this is very strange

    From xRender() .. it gets into RenderMaster()...

    It runs to the bottom of the function

    LogNow(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, "CALLING ADDMODULE");           
             // Make sure the head module gets passed into the assets collection.
    LogNow(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, "AFTER ADDMODULE");  

    Both lines are logged.. that was the last operation of the function..it should now return to xRender

    LogNow(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__);  
                // Render
    LogNow(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, "AFTER RENDERMASTER");  

    The first line is logged, but the second line didn't...
    What on earth could be possible of causing this?

  • vorapoapvorapoap New
    edited March 2013

    OHHHH YEH!!!

    IN PHP.INI ... memory_limit = 240M I increased it to 340M ..and suddenly it is working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Despite this happiness, Vanilla uses over 240M of memory just for connecting from Facebook?.. Is this normal?

    What should be a good memory_limit settings for a site running Vanilla??

  • vorapoapvorapoap New
    edited March 2013

    Ahh I misunderstood.... it is still not working.. just passing to the asking login name... thing and then end up in blank page again.. hmmmm the crashing line is changing now T_T after I put 540MB for php.ini.. let me put more T_T Oh I don't understand.. sometime it stops at the same line.. sometimes it doesn't...

  • I am upgrading php to 5.2.17 now..... T_T let's see if this is a problem.

  • Ok I am completely lost now... I have upgraded php to 5.2.17 and it is still stuck at that line.

    xRender() -> call RenderMaster .. RenderMaster is working just fine to the end of the function.. but PHP doesn't return back to xRender() .. I am not sure anymore this doesn't seem like a Vanilla problem. ?

    My current memory limit is set to 740MB.

    It seems enough for me for today T_T. (no progress)

  • OK.. Here is the last update.. I recompiled all the php extension (including APC)

    Here is the new error now

    Cannot redeclare class gdn_smarty in /data/vhost/lososms/library/core/class.autoloader.php on line 267

    I will put class_exists thing for the time being

  • Oh Guys,,.. I think I am ok now... Thank you everyone..

    What I have done and I think that it has solved my problem...:

    1. Upgrade from PHP5.2.10 to 5.2.17 (FPM patched)
    2. Recompiled all modules.. especially APC Opcode

    If anyone else happen to have the weird PHP behavior like this ... The problem lies with in the environment of your server. People here are right, there are nothing wrong with the core... if the core start to behave strangely.. it is a problem of your setup. But it has been very tough to get to this point...

    For the record the Class Name OAuthException is duplicate with the one from PEAR. I need to rename it to something else... class_exists may not work for this case.

    Thank you everyone again

  • @vorapoap said:
    Oh Guys,,.. I think I am ok now... Thank you everyone..

    What I have done and I think that it has solved my problem...:

    1. Upgrade from PHP5.2.10 to 5.2.17 (FPM patched)
    2. Recompiled all modules.. especially APC Opcode

    If anyone else happen to have the weird PHP behavior like this ... The problem lies with in the environment of your server. People here are right, there are nothing wrong with the core... if the core start to behave strangely.. it is a problem of your setup. But it has been very tough to get to this point...


    For the record the Class Name OAuthException is duplicate with the one from PEAR. I need to rename it to something else... class_exists may not work for this case.

    Thank you everyone again

    report it


    grep is your friend.

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