Javascript not working

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm having a slight problem..

Now that Mark's transferred this forum over to 0.9.3 none of the little javascript widgets are working for me.

I can't change styles, block categories, nothing.

I'm using Firefox 1.0.7 on Windows XP
A hard refresh does nothing, and the Javascript console shows nothing.

Anyone got any ideas?


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yeah, I'm pretty confused by this one. Everything works fine for me both as a master admin and as a regular member in every browser I've got.

    I got ben to check the js console in firefox, and he said there were no errors. So I'm a little dumbfounded.

    Is anyone else having this problem?
  • cant say i am.
  • BenBen
    edited January 2006
    Oh, and everything works fine on the Dev forum, just not here.
  • If you have the web-dev toolbar installed (it's possible) have you inadvertantly disabled js?
  • also, UPGRADE FIREFOX! sheesh...
  • Hmm, just as mysteriously everything is fixed.

    I do have the web-developer toolbar installed, but the only thing I had disabled was the popup-blocker.
    However, after disabling this and trying to change styles, it worked! But it still works when I disable the popup-blocker again.
    So I have no idea what must have actually been causing the problem.
  • BenBen
    edited January 2006
    Oh, and the post preview now seems to have stopped working...
    There's nothing inside the preview box when I click the button.

    But, I do now get a whole host of errors in the Javascript Console.

    Warning: redeclaration of var DataManager Source File: Line: 89, Column: 7 Source Code: var DataManager = new Ajax.Request(
    There're lots for prototype.js, effects.js and controls.js
    Warning: anonymous function does not always return a value Source File: Line: 671, Column: 2 Source Code: },
    Warning: anonymous function does not always return a value Source File: Line: 69, Column: 19 Source Code: return element;
  • I've a feeling post preview is broken in general. SirNot's on it i think.
  • Prototype sucks - mark, BIG MISTAKE moving to it, it's faster to make it yourself and much cleaner.
  • >I've a feeling post preview is broken in general. SirNot's on it i think. Well, yes and no. I did find an error in it that occured in certain circumstances, but that obviously has nothing to do with the reason it's down, mainly because I've fixed that already. It seems to be something wrong with the interaction between the js and php, but everything works flawlessly on my own test server, so I'm sort of in the dark with it all...
  • Gah.. while the javascript now works here, it doesn't in other places.
    I'm completely confused now. I haven't got anything disabled, no JS errors, and I haven't added any new extensions recently that could be causing this.

    Does anyone have any ideas at all?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Prototype sucks - mark, BIG MISTAKE moving to it, it's faster to make it yourself and much cleaner.

    I had written my own for 0.9.2 and it sucked big time. If you want to write a better one, feel free.
  • Have you considered the mad4milk mini prototype?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • edited January 2006
    I can confirm this. My installation of Vanilla is very slow in everything except Opera. While, everything seems to be mostly working, the AJAX does not seem to be working in Firefox and IE. That little box does not pop-up and the status bar keeps changing a million times before the page loads. PS: The CSS is very broke in Opera. All that absolute positioning isn't working properly.
  • I always forget the useful stuff. ben has the right link.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Does that library do ajax stuff as well?
    They don't mention it on their tiny site.
  • Their ajax stuff can be found here -
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