Delete key in Filebrowser

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Dear Community, I am using Lussumo Filebrowser 1.3.3 © 2002-2005 (Developed by Mark O'Sullivan). I have three questions and would appreciate it if anyone could assist me. 1. We had our website designed and Filebrowser is used to display images (photographs, PDF, plain text, PowerPoint and Word documents, logos and so on). Currently there is not a delete key to remove (delete) images or any other file loaded into the Filebrowser that I do not wish to use anymore. Is there a way that I may do this? Can you also confirm that this functionality comes with Filebrowser as standard or not. I know that this next question is difficult to answer, but can you advise how long it would take to program the delete function into the file browser if the function is not already available. The website that uses Filebrowser is content managed, Dispatch-Mod v0.1 Beta using PHP and the front end utilises CSS. I am using Firefox, 1.5, Windows XP. 2. In addition to this, we currently display the images individually usually down the right hand side of the page. In the future we wanted to use just one image then have the function to click through images from one box (image). Is possible to do this? 3. Has anyone had any issues using Firefox, Windows XP and being logged out when previously it was fine? The site, if anyone is curious is at Many thanks in advance for your consideration. TCG


  • Could you provide a link to your filebrowser installation? I cant seem to find it.

    At present a delete button is not available. Since filebrowser has no login capabilities the delete button would need to be publicly available in which case someone could come along and delete everything. To add login capabilities would be quite a lot of work.
    2 would be possible with slightly less work, i think.
    3 - what do you mean by logged out?
  • Many thanks for the reply minisweeper. I'm not a programmer or a technically minded individual, so please keep that in mind. I also didn't locate, install and modify filebrowser for the website. I don't know what you mean by the file browser installation link. There is a login (so that has been created) for to add images in a secure area. 2. That is reassuring, I think I will look into that. 3. Possibly not a question for this forum then, as discussed above a login has been created for image management. I never thought I was be so keen to see a MS browser, but I am due the some of the issues that I have with Firefox and the CMS that I am using. I have spoken o the development agency about it, time to ask again I think. Many thanks for interest thus far. TCG
  • Well based on what i've seen of your site i would suggest that it isnt using lussumo filebrowser to view the files. But i could be wrong - when i asked for an installation link i meant can you give me the URL to a screen on which you believe you are using filebrowser. e.g. on my server i could give you and you'd see a filebrowser setup.
  • I will have to come back to you after speaking to the design team. The site definitely uses Lussumo Filebrowser 1.3.3 , because I login (I think this is why you will not see the Filebrowser setup) and upload the images. Examples (I think you were looking to see are) and Many thanks
  • The first one appears to be a link to filebrowser based on the parameters in the url but i think you're probably best talking to your design team about adding delete keys and whatnot if they've added an uploader (which i'm sure a number of people would be willing to see shared, by the way!)
  • Any word on an addon ability to add file deletion to Filebrowser? I am using this in a protected environment and would love to have that ability.
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