Plugins Deleted

when i closed the dashboard/browser yesterday all my plugins where still there, and when i got back to the dashboard today they all have been gone. i made extensive changes to some of them and even coded some custom ones, and it seems theyre all gone now (they dont show up on the site anymore either and the plugin folder is gone on the ftp...) does anyone know what happened? if they really got deleted or if they are moved somewhere else? i am the only one with access to the plugin section. so it wassnt someone else.

Best Answer

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Answer ✓

    Don't know what happened, but it sounds like something you may have done.


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Answer ✓

    Don't know what happened, but it sounds like something you may have done.

  • yeah i was guessing so, yet i dont see what i did... well we happily were able to get a backup from 2 days ago, so its all fine now.
    Thank you Todd.

  • i don't know what kind of ftp client you use, but it sometimes happens with mine that i accidentally move a whole folder into another folder.

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    edited December 2011

    This is a public service announcement kids:

    Always back up your Vanilla folder. If you don't have enough space then leave /uploads out. If you still don't have enough space then buy an iPod shuffle or a wrist watch with a usb port and back up there.

  • Fpmsl @ ipod shuffle

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • god i love this community. :)

    yes umm, kids listen to Todd, i can tell you that its a good idea to backup, first hand experiance and all...

  • same thing happned to me..worse, i used editor plugin now all the text is rubbbish on my site

  • @mbforums said:
    same thing happned to me..worse, i used editor plugin now all the text is rubbbish on my site

    that was informative. NOT

    what is editor plugin?

    what is rubbish?

    what version of vanilla?

    just a friendly tip. If you are going to post something - add some value to it.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @peregrine said:
    If you are going to post something - add some value to it.

    And don't kick old topics just for the purpose of saying : 'me too', first search (there are at least 2 more recent topics about this issue!)

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • ohh wow....i was basically voicing my concerns that this is a serious situation that users are facing with all there plugins get deleted.

    why cant we all forget about how we write or express our feelings on double posting of frekin topics and

    "Pay attention to the plugin getting deleted."
    No to be rude but this is serious...imagine you send 11 hours and all your work disappears.

    Will i be posting hearts here...

    anyway..please dont reply after me...ignore this whole topic..please

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited July 2013

    Your concern is valid.

    There is two sides to this:

    1. The ill-advised feature.
    2. The responsibility of any webmaster, to learn a bit about managing a server. Especially file permission and server rules for that server, security and backup OR hire dedicated management.

    Both side apply. This bad feature highlights poor practices. Whilst this feature should not exploit or encourage poor practices, the fact that the webmaster has already exposed their files in this way as for this even to be possible, means that there isn't enough education.

    grep is your friend.

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