[Solved] Tagging stuff that's not in the settings
How do you make the Tagging plugin accept any tag, even if it is not in the settings of the Tagging plugin?
Best Answers
Shadowdare MVP
Tags are separated by commas, not spaces, as seen on this website.
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The plugin already accepts new tags.
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What do you mean?
Let's say hi is not a tag in the plugin's settings. Here it would would work, but not on my forum
Would you post a screenshot of what's happening when you input a new tag?
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Hold on please
I can't, because when I type the tag in, when I try to go to Snipping Tool, the tag disappears, but anyway, on Vanillaforums.org, when "hi" isn't in the Tagging Settings, it will normally work, on my forum, it will disappear after I press my space button and I won't be able to use it unless I put hi as a tag in my settings. I want my users to have unlimited tagging, but how?
It works fine in the production stable release. I'm not sure who has worked with it in Beta. It's always better to start learning in a stable release instead of wandering through the forest of beta software.
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Tags are separated by commas, not spaces, as seen on this website.
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@hbf: Tagging is not included with the stable release as I know of