[Solved] DB Transfer Fatal Error: Unknown column 'Sort' in 'order clause'

Hi all,
I tried to copy an installation of a working Vanilla forum on the same server from one domain to another. I just rewrote the Config.php to match the new Database but instantly receive a Fatal Error stating:
Unknown column 'Sort' in 'order clause' select p.Name as `Name`, p.UrlCode as `UrlCode` from GDN_Page p where p.SiteMenuLink = :pSiteMenuLink order by Sort asc The error occurred on or near: /www/htdocs/w010a0a2/library/database/class.database.php 276: 277: if (!is_object($PDOStatement)) { 278: trigger_error(ErrorMessage('PDO Statement failed to prepare', $this->ClassName, 'Query', $this->GetPDOErrorMessage($this->Connection()->errorInfo())), E_USER_ERROR); 279: } else if ($PDOStatement->execute($InputParameters) === FALSE) { 280: trigger_error(ErrorMessage($this->GetPDOErrorMessage($PDOStatement->errorInfo()), $this->ClassName, 'Query', $Sql), E_USER_ERROR); 281: } 282: } else { 283: $PDOStatement = $this->Connection()->query($Sql); 284: }
Also interesting: www.myforum.com/utility/update runs into a blue page, but without Success or Bonk-Message.
Anyone familiar with this error? I can't find something related in the forums. Thanx for ideas!
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Please show the details of the php files the error is generated from. You are missing the column 'sort' in your database. Probably means that the table or database wasn't copied properly.
It looks like a plugin that is generating the error?
There was an error rendering this rich post.
Uh, that was fast.
I fixed the problem by emptying the GDN_Page table that is associated with the CustomPages plugin and was for some reason not transfered properly.
Thanx @UnderDog!