[Solve] Any ideas about "LastIPAddress is x characters too long." error when sign up for new account

Hi, I just set up VF on HP Cloud
The version is, and running environment is CentOS 6 64+nginx+php-fpm
When I tried to sign up as a visitor, it keeps showing the error message as "LastIPAddress is x characters too long."
I've tried Basic mode and the error stays. My site address is njars.com/
Thank you for taking care of this.
Best Answer
Anonymoose ✭✭
Vanilla doesn't support ipv6 by default. Before you install, you need to modify the core.
http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/comment/144612/Fixing by changing /applications/conversations/settings/structure.php lines containting:
Line 38: ->Column('InsertIPAddress', 'varchar(15)', TRUE)
Line 41: ->Column('UpdateIPAddress', 'varchar(15)', TRUE)
Line 76: ->Column('InsertIPAddress', 'varchar(15)', TRUE)to
Line 38:->Column('InsertIPAddress', 'varchar(39)', TRUE)
Line 41:->Column('UpdateIPAddress', 'varchar(39)', TRUE)
Line 76:->Column('InsertIPAddress', 'varchar(39)', TRUE)Also:
@Henry_Stern said:
Before you install Vanilla you need to edit the following files:applications/conversations/settings/structure.php
applications/vanilla/settings/structure.phpChange all lines that look like "->Column('*IPAddress', 'varchar(15)') so that the varchar is 39 characters long instead of 15.
Conversations has 3, dashboard has 7 and structure has 4.
You will need to check any application that you install in the future for the same.
I solved the problem by changing the nginx configuration from "listen [::]:80" to "listen 80".
@Todd I guess this is a bug, and vf need to perfect its support for ipv6.
Vanilla doesn't support ipv6 by default. Before you install, you need to modify the core.
Fixing by changing /applications/conversations/settings/structure.php lines containting:
Line 38: ->Column('InsertIPAddress', 'varchar(15)', TRUE)
Line 41: ->Column('UpdateIPAddress', 'varchar(15)', TRUE)
Line 76: ->Column('InsertIPAddress', 'varchar(15)', TRUE)
Line 38:->Column('InsertIPAddress', 'varchar(39)', TRUE)
Line 41:->Column('UpdateIPAddress', 'varchar(39)', TRUE)
Line 76:->Column('InsertIPAddress', 'varchar(39)', TRUE)
Just installed this software for testing, and get this very error on the first posting attempt. You have to be kidding when claiming this to be the most advanced forum software. What a non-starter to not support IPv6. Unbelievable.
And then you either A ) applied the updates from the posts above you or B ) searched on gitHub and found some known issues:
There was an error rendering this rich post.
I just install my forum yesterday, and then I faced this problem.
I changed all varchar(15) to varchar(39) in the 3 files, then reuploaded those files. But it seems that it still doesn't work...
Could someone help me ? I am more a user than a developper, so it's a little bit confusing for me.
My forum is there : http://www.conso-mag.com/forum/
Thank you very much.
theoretically (an maybe practically) this is fixed in 2.1b2
see here for changes....
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Because you installed the forum before changing the files, so the short varchars were created in the database. You need to delete the database and then reinstall the forum with your chaned files.