Reverse order for Vanilla comments in Wordpress

I'm using the Vanilla comment system in my web, but the new messages appear in first place. :(

Is it possible to make them appear like in the forum? (older ones first)


  • I think it should be possible, if the Comment Model fires the right events. You would have to implement an event handler in your theme hooks file.

  • So it's my wordpress theme who is reversing the comments order?

  • @todosteam said:
    So it's my wordpress theme who is reversing the comments order?

    No, it's your Vanilla theme that has to implement the right event handlers, sort the data and return it sorted. If you are using the standard theme, you can just make a copy of it and implement the theme hooks files (obviously, coding is required).

  • Where in the theme is the comments for WP/VF embed order happening? I saw an $options parameter in the WP plugin code, but don't know if that can reverse sort.

  • I know that you can place a $Configuration in the forum config.php to change the sort order of discussions . asc would be ascending .

    $Configuration['Vanilla']['Discussions']['SortDirection']= 'desc';

    Not sure if there is one for comments but there is a plugin I think it needs some mods to work

  • thanks. tried $Configuration['Vanilla']['Comments']['SortDirection']= 'desc'; and 'asc' and doesnt seem to change anything.

    Haven't tried that plugin, but the comments in the normal forum display in the desired order (newest at the bottom). Thinking since the normal forum displays in the desired order, something in the WP plugin is causing the embedded comments to show in reverse order (newest at top).

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