Thumbnails and SWF

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Lussomo is awesome and we think that the things that they are coming up with like vanilla and filebrowser are going to be the new wave to forums and galleries. However, I have run into a complication. I have gotten the thumbnailer.php to do it's thing to generate thumbnails for the pictures, but I was wondering if there was any hope for generating a type of thumbnail for swf files. Thanks.


  • You can make thumbnails by hand.
  • so there's really no automated way to do it? because we're trying to set it up to where anyone can upload a swf and then it have a thumbnail. so just make the _thumbnail file elsewise?
  • Nope, sorry.
  • Not unless you can code a php module to read into flash 6/7/8 files, which would probably be damn near impossible to do in php without backup support.
  • Could you just show the first frame of each swf at mini size? Might not work on older computers though
  • You're honestly suggesting we load 100 flash objects on one page?
  • Aye go fae it pal, nae worries, ken?
  • Heh, james, I'd love to see you try to load 100 swf files each weighing in at around 1mb each :) that's a true nono.
  • Well serves you right for having 1mb swfs jech doesn't it :-P
  • Yeah, but if they're user-submitted, it's not really his choice.
  • lol @ jech
  • and yeah, regardless if they're >1mb or not, thumbnailing them or displaying them on a sub cable connection would be torture, especially for the fact that some machines kick into 5th gear when displaying even 1 swf file. Just doesn't seem right to thumbnail them at all.
  • heheh
  • ithcyithcy New
    edited January 2006
    unless i'm missing something, the thumbnails of the flash objects don't have to be flash objects themselves. they could just be images linking to the swfs, right?
  • From what I understand is that FileBrowser understands that _thumb.mike.swf.jpg points to mike.swf? Or can one trick a browser to render _thumb.mike.swf as jpg?
  • edited January 2006
    Hmm, can the browser be tricked use mimetypes to load a swf as jpg?
  • no. it's actually not an easy undertaking to render a single frame from an swf. i looked into it a bit last night and as far as i can tell no one has done it in a command-line or web application. i looked at several tools, libraries, classes and none of them perform that function. (none that i could find, anyway - i'd be happy to be proven wrong) swf is an open standard, though, so maybe someone will do it someday. maybe i'll do it. don't hold your breath for me, though.
  • My last question still stands. Does file browser know that _thumb.mike.swf.jpg is a thumbnail of mike.swf since it does not have the same extension?
  • Apparently, (a jpg image named to match) map.swf works. The thumb is displayed in FF, IE, and Opera. I guess they are able to detect the file type regardless of the extension.
  • Cool! Does that work with video files too?
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