Suggestions regarding Vanilla Documentation

UnderDogUnderDog MVP
edited January 2014 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Let me quote peregrine here :
@peregrine said:
Another thing you need to keep in mind, vanilla staff may never read your comment hidden in a thread here.
So that's the reason I split the topic. Let's have a discussion on better finding documentation about our beloved forum.

Two links :

VanillaForums Docs



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  • As a newer member here and a newer forum owner, can I make a suggestion? I think finding the documentation for fixing errors is simple for vanilla staffers and people that hang out here on a regular basis. But there could be some slight communication improvements on how users find the documentation they are looking for. I'm not putting anyone down, building a better product is tough work on both sides. You guys are doing a great job supporting the community. Perhaps a better visual representation on finding documentation can help. Most people are use to out of the box solutions. Vanilla is not quite there yet. Its takes a lot more tweaking and therefore a visual improvement to make communication easier could help...just a suggestion...wink ;)

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited January 2014

    I totally agree with you. An hour or two on the documentation page with a link to wiki, and a basic faq for common problems would do wonders and cut down hundreds of questions, as suggested before, but its not our business model. Even including some simple problems and solutions in the core download readme would help as well. Another thing you need to keep in mind, vanilla staff may never read your comment hidden in a thread here.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • UnderDogUnderDog MVP
    edited January 2014

    @jens1seo I totally agree with you too :-) . We only have a few tools at our disposal. We can point to the 2 links I gave in the opening post...
    But really we should point to the direct link the user needs to solve his problem.

    Why do you think I'm using my signature to point to the most common error no-one can solve without help? (The Bonk Error).

    Yes... we need a little communication. I wish we could improve the documentation, make videos, etc. But I'm only thinking the Vanilla guys are working on that. I have no real insight in it though.

    Thanks for your diplomatic words and don't hesitate to stick around on the forum for some more nice words (and bootstrap themes please!)

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