Problem after importing data from to my own host.

I can't do the paid hosting yet, and the entry-level price just doubled. So, I'm moving to my own host and installed on my own subdomain.
I had manually imported my data from kunena to, and would prefer to not have to do that again.
The nice folks at were nice enought to export my data for me in an file, which I was able to import into my free site using phpmyadmin.

But now, when I click on "Activity" in the navigation menu I get the following error.

Does anyone know what this means?

Fatal Error in Gdn_Database.Query();

Unknown column 'a.CommentActivityID' in 'where clause'
select a.*, t.FullHeadline as FullHeadline, t.ProfileHeadline as ProfileHeadline, t.AllowComments as AllowComments, t.ShowIcon as ShowIcon, t.RouteCode as RouteCode, t.Name as ActivityType, au.Name as ActivityName, au.Gender as ActivityGender, au.Photo as ActivityPhoto, au.Email as ActivityEmail, ru.Name as RegardingName, ru.Gender as RegardingGender, ru.Email as RegardingEmail, ru.Photo as RegardingPhoto
from GDN_Activity a
join GDN_ActivityType t on a.ActivityTypeID = t.ActivityTypeID
join GDN_User au on a.ActivityUserID = au.UserID
left join GDN_User ru on a.RegardingUserID = ru.UserID
where a.CommentActivityID is null
and t.Public = :tPublic
order by a.DateInserted desc
limit 50

The error occurred on or near: /home/taichi9/public_html/
277: if (!is_object($PDOStatement)) {
278: trigger_error(ErrorMessage('PDO Statement failed to prepare', $this->ClassName, 'Query', $this->GetPDOErrorMessage($this->Connection()->errorInfo())), E_USER_ERROR);
279: } else if ($PDOStatement->execute($InputParameters) === FALSE) {
280: trigger_error(ErrorMessage($this->GetPDOErrorMessage($PDOStatement->errorInfo()), $this->ClassName, 'Query', $Sql), E_USER_ERROR);
281: }
282: } else {
283: $PDOStatement = $this->Connection()->query($Sql);
284: }

[/home/taichi9/public_html/] PHP::trigger_error();
[/home/taichi9/public_html/] Gdn_Database->Query();
[/home/taichi9/public_html/] Gdn_SQLDriver->Query();
[/home/taichi9/public_html/] Gdn_SQLDriver->Get();
[/home/taichi9/public_html/] ActivityModel->Get();
[/home/taichi9/public_html/] ActivityController->Index();
[/home/taichi9/public_html/] PHP::call_user_func_array();
[/home/taichi9/public_html/] Gdn_Dispatcher->Dispatch();

Variables in local scope:
[Sql] 'select a.*, t.FullHeadline as FullHeadline, t.ProfileHeadline as ProfileHeadline, t.AllowComments as AllowComments, t.ShowIcon as ShowIcon, t.RouteCode as RouteCode, t.Name as ActivityType, au.Name as ActivityName, au.Gender as ActivityGender, au.Photo as ActivityPhoto, au.Email as ActivityEmail, ru.Name as RegardingName, ru.Gender as RegardingGender, ru.Email as RegardingEmail, ru.Photo as RegardingPhoto
from GDN_Activity a
join GDN_ActivityType t on a.ActivityTypeID = t.ActivityTypeID
join GDN_User au on a.ActivityUserID = au.UserID
left join GDN_User ru on a.RegardingUserID = ru.UserID
where a.CommentActivityID is null
and t.Public = :tPublic
order by a.DateInserted desc
limit 50'
[InputParameters] **array (
':tPublic' => '1',
array (
'ReturnType' => 'DataSet',
[ReturnType] 'DataSet'
[PDOStatement] array (
'queryString' => 'select a.*, t.FullHeadline as FullHeadline, t.ProfileHeadline as ProfileHeadline, t.AllowComments as AllowComments, t.ShowIcon as ShowIcon, t.RouteCode as RouteCode, t.Name as ActivityType, au.Name as ActivityName, au.Gender as ActivityGender, au.Photo as ActivityPhoto, au.Email as ActivityEmail, ru.Name as RegardingName, ru.Gender as RegardingGender, ru.Email as RegardingEmail, ru.Photo as RegardingPhoto
from GDN_Activity a
join GDN_ActivityType t on a.ActivityTypeID = t.ActivityTypeID
join GDN_User au on a.ActivityUserID = au.UserID
left join GDN_User ru on a.RegardingUserID = ru.UserID
where a.CommentActivityID is null
and t.Public = :tPublic
order by a.DateInserted desc
limit 50',

Need Help?
If you are a user of this website, you can report this message to a website administrator.
If you are an administrator of this website, you can get help at the Vanilla Community Forums.
Additional information for support personnel:
Application: Vanilla
Application Version:
PHP Version: 5.3.27
Operating System: Linux
Server Software: Apache
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1700.77 Safari/537.36
Request Uri: /activity
Controller: Gdn_Database
Method: Query

Best Answer


  • You might want to respond how you solved the problem, if you solved the problem at all instead of leaving this thread dangling, and going on a warpath in other threads.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I solved the problem by following your instructions. But your instructions are not here. I don't know where your post went.
    Ahh. There it is.
    How many times would you like me to thank you?

  • How many times would you like me to thank you?

    No problem. We are talking about two different things. I am talking about following up in the same thread.

    once is sufficient as far as thank yous. And thank you as well for replying.

    It doesn't negate the fact that following up on a thread and stating what you did to solve the problem. Nor does replying in another thread really help anyone when looking at a discussion unless there is a followup as to what you did. Every discussion stands on it own and that is how users read them. Links to how you solved things is perfectly fine. Absence of followup in the same discussion doesn't help anyone.

    Thanks for the followup. still not sure what version you went with.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • edited January 2014

    I'm kinda busy trying to save my website. I am not qualified to solve the problems with this one. But while I'm here. I will point out that there is no search bar at the top of this page. To do a search, I would need to click on a category, but that is nowhere explained.

    If users need to pass a test in order to use this forum properly, and to make it functional so that neophytes like me can pull their weight, then the answers to the test need to be on every page. Otherwise this support forum becomes as much a hinderance to the functionality of Vanilla, as Vanilla is.

    How many times has an explanation of "Forum Etiquette" been posted on this forum. Who reads that? Try putting a 5-point checklist at the top of every page, right above the search bar.

  • search bar appears on discussions pages not in individual discussion. you are correct it, it would be handy if it appeared in individual discussion as well.

    you have pointed some valid things.

    The one distinction between you and other forum owners is this. Other forum owners have had the opportunity to install vanilla and play with it before making vanilla live. Thry have not been under pressure to have all the knowledge necessary to self-administer a forum because they had time before the forum went live. You, on the other hand through no fault of your own, have been thrust into the need to maintain a forum live without having the opportunity to experiment for a bit of time before going live. so i can see your frustration with things, since it does take a bit of time to learn the ropes. Unfortunate as it is, vanilla is so flexible and has many options, it may be overwhelming for the neophytes to maintaining vanilla without sufficient time to master in a non-live environment.

    As a suggestion, a late one. get experience on a non-live forum, before attempting to go live.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • and your point in having the following discussion removed is an excellent idea.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Thanks for the understanding.
    I've had some extensive experience installing and managing other forum software over the past 11 years. I mistakenly presumed that the combination of my experience and the improvement in technology over the years would have made the transition a little easier.
    But some computers are still shut down by clicking the "start button".
    I think the real solution is Ning or Spruz.

  • what you say may be true for you.

    But your problems may be a result of you attempting to use vanilla on a database that was based in vanilla 2.1 and above.

    you should give 2.1b2 a try to see if it resolves your problems.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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