Where do you live? (Post your Google satellite map links here!)

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Thought it would be cool to see where everyone is at, in the absence of my geo data plugin idea.... I'm here: http://urlsnip.com/704858


  • Um. You broke that.
  • (Sorry Vanilla wasn't liking Google's link format much)
  • I wish google maps had that kind of resolution where I live.
  • It's juicy huh.... my back garden is right in the middle there, the green rectangle with a white 'H' is where my bins are... can almost make out the neighours cat...
  • edited January 2006
    Yeah my neighborhood is just a blurry jpeg.

    And that's extra scary to me, because there's a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside.
  • edited January 2006
    This is me. Nice and blurry though. But lots of green goin on.
    //edit nm, turns out 'link to this page' is quite useful
    Dont do hunting me down with my postcode :P
  • Americans made roads with corners? Or is that just an insane rich mans honby train set?
  • Toronto, Ontario
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    They didn't quite get it right.

    My house is actually at the other end of the block. , 6 houses to the right of the one indicated, mine is the one with the brown roof.
  • edited January 2006
    This is where I live... BrisVegas Australia. It doesn't have my address in it -_- (not to mention the map is over a year old... :p)

    See the T intersection at the top of the map cut? Well follow the road down (its actually a steep incline :p) to the bottom of the map and I live on the left hand side near the end there... 3rd house back. :p...

    Lots of trees where I live :)

  • Mini, my town was made back in the mid 1900's, modeled by Frederick Law Olmsted, same dude who created NY's central park. Anyone driving into this place who's unfamiliar and who I've spoken to claimed that after they got a few blocks in, they lost all sense of direction and wound up lost for a couple minutes. As you can see, every block towards the north and south is pretty much an oval.
  • FLCFLC New
    edited January 2006
    I'm around here as Google puts my actual address onto the freaking mormon church next door
  • FLC: The mormon church is in the middle of an intersection?
  • Where most churches should be!
  • no, the church is (if you follow that road north) just on the top edge of the map, no where near my apartment (the block of buildings to the left of the bubble)
  • Jesus mark. I now understand why everyone in america seems to navigate by blocks. Thats basically a map grid laid on the floor goin on right there. Crazy americans.
    I need to come back there some day.
  • I seem to live in unknown territory. Let's hope we will be discovered and colonized soon.
  • hehe, mini, Canada != America :) unless you mean generally N. America, then yeah, it's mostly grids. Excluding my little suburban maze town.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I actually love the grid system. I know it doesn't look like much from outer space, but it's so easy to navigate. No-one ever gets lost here.
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