Please upgrade here. These earlier versions are no longer being updated and have security issues.
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Upgrading to v2.1b2

Hello just a quick question.

If I used the views rom 2.0.18 in version 2.1b2, would this cause issues with the new features of 2.1b2?

The only reason I ask is because certain views, such as the profile page, when I update are broken. The theme does not function correctly, a quick fix for this is to copy the views from 2.0.18 into my theme folder and use those.

Is there any issue with doing this? is it reccomended against?


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    Ignore this question. Did it the hard way :persevere:

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    I wouldn't use views from previous versions.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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    vrijvlindervrijvlinder Papillon-Sauvage MVP

    The themes for 2.0 will need a few extra css codes .

    There are a few new classes like MeBox Row and Filter .

    Just use a web inspector to find them and add them to your theme.

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    yes i have done, thank you. needed to edit the views as well a little to fit my theme.

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