How Difficult To Incorporate Vanilla Visually...

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, Now that I have my unzipped files in place, but before I move in deeper, I'd like to ask folks just how easy (I'm hoping) or how difficult it would be to: a) nest a forum inside a fixed width table to maintain visual continuity with a web site. Example: b) how tricky it is to adjust fonts / colors of that forum to again, maintain visual continuity. I believe this is acheived via CSS? Thanks for all the help so far. John


  • Themeing will become a lot easier in v1, in the meantime the best you can do is to hack away at the CSS files. If you'd rather spend your time preparing for the launch of v1 you're best grabbing the latest copy off the SVN and playing with that than just editing the CSS file for this version. That said, theres a major rethink of the markup planned so ultimately any efforts to fully theme it may be a lost cause right now. It's up to you really. Achieving *exactly* what you want is much easier in v1 but if you start working on 0.9.3 (which is v1 beta) you may find you have to re-do a lot when the new markup is incorporated. Likewise if you edit the CSS for 0.9.2 you'll certainly find yourself doing various bits of updating when v1 comes out. If i were you i'd live with it as standard untill v1 then go full hog to get it exactly as you want. But we dont know how long the wait is gonna be so it depends how desperate you are..
  • Hmmm, I wouldn't mind too much trying my hand at playing with the CSS for color / text. As far as the idea of fitting a forum into a fixed space as I mentioned... would that too be under CSS control? I ask because I still use conventional tables with CSS for text formatting. John
  • Unfortunately i'm not the man to ask about the intricacies of the job itself. I was just trying to provide you with a basic ground of the options you had. I'm not sure it's within the abilities of CSS to do what you require. But as i say i'm no expert. I'd suspect the only way you can do it is to actually build the required additional code into the vanilla source. But really (especially if you're not experienced with it) I'd leave that till v1 was released.
  • To actually wrap the forum inside a table cell, you're going to need to change the markup. It's a pretty simple modification (done by several people already) but will be very difficult if you're not familiar with HTML/PHP. The colors and fonts can be changed with CSS alone, and I'd bet you could probably hack something together which matches your site well (though not perfectly) purely with stylesheet modifications. Then again, those aren't exactly friendly to the untrained eye either.
  • Yeah, sorry if i was a little unclear. When i said 'not within the abilities to do what you require', i was talking about putting it in a table. Not the font/colouring thing.
  • If you were using divisions, semantic elements, floats and clears, it would be simple to incorporate this into your site. Sadly, you're using tables.
  • And of course if you didn't feel the need to display your knowledge of CSS by mentioning so many elements individually by name, it would be easier to take you a bit more seriously. Sadly, you did feel that need.
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