Vanilla 2.1 - Can't get jsconnect to work with forum inside phpvms


I have been following a tutorial to set up the vanilla forum within my phpvms installation using jsconnect and a script from phpvms that redirects the user between the phpvms sign in screen and the forum itself.

So I got the forum installed ok and I think I have set up jsconnect ok but that's where it starts to go wrong. The guys at phpvms created a script called PHPVMS Bridge Master which allows for a user to click the "sign in with my VA" button on the forum, it then redirects them to phpvms to log in and then when successful takes them back to the forum. It then synchronises the login so that you become signed in on both systems.

The challenge I have is that everything works fine up to the point where I sign in using phpvms and then when it goes to redirect me back to the forum it throws up a message saying "a provider was not found" or something like that.

The url to my forum site is:

The top level domain is a wordpress installation. The "airline-operations" is a sub directory which contains the phpvms installation. The "forum" is just a folder containing the "Vanilla" folder with the files in it.

I read something about needing to use a different jsconnect for wordpress, but I didn't think I needed to bother as the forum is not installed inside of wordpress, its outside in a separate directory.

So there you have it, desperate for some support with this as I love the look of the forum but I don't want people to have to sign in multiple places. :smile:

Thanks in advance for your support.


  • Is your site a Wordpress site? If not, then you're on the right track. The operational flow you describe in your second paragraph is correct.

    It sounds like the cookie supplied to your SSO auth file is not recognized. Are you sure you're supplying the correct cookie? Can you share the code placed in your SSO authorization file and the code from your login page where the login cookie is assigned?

  • I took a closer look at your site's Vanilla installation. When I click the "Sign in with My VA" button it directs me to - a login page that is distinctly different from the main site login page I believe this is the source of the cookie mismatch I describe in my previous post. You need to capture the main site login cookie and supply it to your SSO auth file.

    Steven Blaine, Ph.D.

  • Firstly thank you for your reply Tennis, much appreciated. Now to try and understand your response.

    I have never dealt with cookies or sso and so I don't really know how to answer your questions so I'll start and hopefully it'll make sense at some point.

    The first link you posted is the login form for the Vanilla Forum after the user has been redirected to phpvms by clicking the "sign in with my va" button on the Vanilla Forum site (now I think I just confused myself!). That is correct and works as it should.

    The second link you posted is the login form for my phpvms site itself (in which the Vanilla forum is located in a sub-directory).

    This is where I get lost (not literally), as I do not then understand what the "cookie" is you refer to or where the SSO auth file is. The PVPVMS Vanilla Bridge plugin has a file which asks for my ID, Secret Code and URL. Is that what you mean by SSO auth file?

    Sorry if I sound dense but we're stretching the limits of my coding knowledge now :p

  • It sounds like the bridge file is configured by your site through your supplying the secret code, etc. I believe this bridge file is the SSO auth file I refer to. The thing I don't understand is why this redirects to a distinctly separate login page. The whole point of SSO is to recognize that someone is logged in on your site and then, using those login credentials (passed by a cookie), login to the forum seamlessly. That is, one login page covering your main site and the forum. I suppose a separate forum login could work if the forum login cookie is supplied to the bridge SSO auth but then you have two login cookies, thus a greater potential for mismatch and the problem you're experiencing.

    You might need to take this problem back to the people that support PHPVMS, or a forum that supports that user community, but I'd be willing to take a look at your bridge file if you'll share it.

  • It turns out I was using the wrong version of jsconnect. I was using the latest version which is not for the vanilla version I have. I deleted the latest version, installed the previous one, set it all up again and bingo it worked!

    Thanks very much for the support :)

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