Anonymouse installed and enabled. blank page when clicking "start new discussion"

what am i doing wrong? is there a step by step guide as to what to do after enabling plugin. i have a fresh new board using the open source vanilla.
what am i doing wrong? is there a step by step guide as to what to do after enabling plugin. i have a fresh new board using the open source vanilla.
Don't forget to post the Vanilla version, 2.1 or something else... then turn on debug modus and post the details
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Version 2.5.21. Im not sure how to turn on debug mode? I enabled the debugger plugin is that it? if so, where can I get the details?
I'm not sure how to turn on the debugger modus either, I'm also not sure why you're using version 2.5 ... that must be a developer's version ... interesting
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sorry i thought you meant the version of anonymouse. How do I find the version of vanilla? I believe I have 2.1 i installed the latest version from a month ago.
I've found 2 links for you, but basically they're in the 'tutorials' category, so I'll give you that link:
And then this link:
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I am experiencing this same issue. Vanilla Forums 2.1 with Anonymouse 2.5.21.
My php error log is attached.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I don't know if it will work but try
looking in modules/class.newanonymousdiscussionmodule.php
class NewDiscussionModule extends Gdn_Module {
and change it to
class NewAnonymousDiscussionModule extends Gdn_Module {
if may not work. It is trying to load the NewDiscussionModule which is already loaded.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Thanks for the reply peregrine. Unfortunately you were right about your misgivings and changing the name did not help.
was the error message the same or did it say.
Cannot redeclare class AnonymousNewDiscussionModule in /site-url/vanilla/forum/plugins/Anonymouse/modules/class.newanonymousdiscussionmodule.php on line 0
or this
Cannot redeclare class NewDiscussionModule in /site-url/vanilla/forum/plugins/Anonymouse/modules/class.newanonymousdiscussionmodule.php on line 0
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Is it possible this plug-in does not work with newer versions of vanilla? anonymouse hasnt been updated since 2011. is there a way to download vanilla forums version from right before the last version of anonymouse was released, to ensure that the plugin will work?
yes statistically
Chi Square=99.1 , df=4, p<.05
you've also added to the sample size that indicates it won't work with, via empirical evidence.
yes, you could also try
However, I wouldn't waste my energy using a version of vanilla that will be obsolete and no longer supported in 2013, unless you are trying to see how it worked.
I know it worked for versions of 2.0.17.x (which indicates a good possibility it might work with 2.0.18.x)
To retrieve older versions of vanilla
put the version number you want in the link below
e.g. vanilla
e.g. vanilla
maybe it there is enough interest someone will sponsor and pledge money to @S and he might re-write dependent on contributions.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Peregrine, works with anonymouse. thanks so much.
I wouldn't use live! it has security flaws. but if your just playing around on a local test site, no problem.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
i need it to work on later versions,