User upload image is 404 (SOLVED - due to sub-directory permissions)

edited July 2014 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi all,

Using 2.1 release and I've noticed that whenever a user tried to upload their own image for the forum in their profile, it just results in a 404 error when the image is then requested. The upload directory is writable by PHP, and the upload does appear to occur (although I don't see the file created on the file system).

Checking the error log for the server I see only warnings about PHP strict standards ("PHP Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in class.autoloader.php", etc).

Has anyone else had any problems with user uploader images in 2.1?


Best Answer


  • Thanks for the reply. I have now turned off strict standards, but the result was the same. It turned out that although I had the correct permissions on the uploads directory, I didn't on the sub-directories :-(. Doh - sorry about that!


  • @allanj‌

    Thanks for coming back with your resolution.

    You'd be surprised (or possibly not) how many don't.

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