No 'Thanks' button visible anywhere? (SOLVED)

edited July 2014 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


so, I've posted this question on the ThankfulPeople 1 plugin page, but it was in an old thread and I'm not sure it's gonna get any replies...

My issue is this: I can't see a button that would allow me to 'Thank' a user for a post they made, not do I see any indication that the plugin is activated in the forums (despite it being enabled in the plugins page). I'm using Vanilla 2.1. Any ideas as to what might be malfunctioning or what I might have done wrong?



  • Did you check in the dashboard if there are permissions to set ?

  • Yup, there's nothing related the the plugin that I can see...

  • Do you have any configurations such as these in the config.php

    $Configuration['Plugins']['ThankfulPeople']['Only'] = array('discussion', 'comment');
        Allow thank only this type of objects.
    $Configuration['Plugins']['ThankfulPeople']['Disabled'] = array('comment');
        Allow disable thank only this type of objects.
    $Configuration['Plugins']['ThankfulPeople']['Only'] has priority.
    $Configuration['Plugins']['ThankfulPeople']['AllowTakeBack'] = False;
        Allow take back thank.
  • AccentAccent
    edited July 2014

    The only line I have related to the plugin is this one:

    $Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['ThankfulPeople'] = TRUE;

  • AccentAccent
    edited July 2014

    Nevermind; I just figured it out. I just had only been using the same account to test everything... and obviously you can't thank your own posts...
    When logging in with a different account, it all works. >_<
    Sorry for posting about such a dumb issue!

    Now do you know if I should stick with Thankful People 1, or replace it with version 2?

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