Add Registration Question and FirstLastNames

Hi peregrine,

I am facing some problems using this plugin.
I have been trying to use it along with FirstLastNames but I was never able to actually see it working.
I first started using BotStop on a Vanilla 2.0.18.
Then I tried this plugin (Add Registration Question) again on Vanilla 2.0.18 with no success.
Then I upgraded to Vanilla 2.1 and tried again with Add Registration Question, again with no success.

Everytime I tested it with Basic and Approval registration methods but I did not see any difference.
The only way I found to make it work is to disable momentarily FirstLastNames but unfortunately this is not a solution for me because I need to keep using it.

Do you have any suggestion/recommendation on how to make it work?

Thanks in advance for your help!

I believe I am missing something very trivial, but I cannot understand what it is.



  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited July 2014

    Then I upgraded to Vanilla 2.1 and tried again with Add Registration Question, again with no success.

    the problem is that FirstLastNames plugin is it totally modifies the views (they replace the vanilla 2.1 views with vanilla 2.0.18.x views)

    The add registration question plugin (is different than botstop and mailchimp, etc which replace registrations views, which is not a great idea, if you can avoid it, that is the reason I wrote AddRegistrationQuestion plugin to avoid replacement of views so it doesn't use old software and uses the actual newer core files as you upgrade vanilla). Add registration question plugin simply triggers on an event and does not replace (override) views to avoid such issues that occur when views are replaced (especially old software).

    I would suggest that you try to replace FirstLast names to trigger on events in the standard registration methods instead of replacing them. That said, since my plugin does not replace views and uses fireevents, there is really nothing i can do, since I didn't write first last names.

    if you add this line to the views in the firtlastname plugin. you can probably use both plugins

    and so on for all registration views in the firstlast plugin.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • edited August 2014


  • also for profile extender add this line below the previous one to get the the profile extender fields to show on the registration . ensure u add the li bracket to

    <?php $this->FireEvent('RegisterBeforePassword'); ?>`

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited August 2014

    @soadeathdealer2 said:
    also for profile extender add this line below the previous one to get the the profile extender fields to show on the registration . ensure u add the li bracket to

    <?php $this->FireEvent('RegisterBeforePassword'); ?>`

    while Your tip may possibly be helpful to some...

    it has nothing to do with Add Registration Question plugin, you might want to post it under the
    FirstLastNames plugin where it might help users, and be easier to find and possibly the author of plugin will be motivated to update plugin. just a thought.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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