Quotes 1.2.2 doesn't work with Vanilla

@x00 said:
simply use the previous version


Quotes 1.2.2 doesn't work with Vanilla


  • Do you get any specific error? I reckon it has something to do with JavaScript, you can see if errors are thrown in the browser console.

    Just trying to help the DEVs finding the issue, "doesn't work" is too generic.

  • AnonymooseAnonymoose ✭✭
    edited August 2014

    The a href link to the author's name is for some reason overflowing onto the entire message, rather than just the author's name.

    In the entire blockquote area style is being inherited by the whole post rather than just the blockquote (with or without plugin enabled).

       protected function QuoteAuthorCallback($Matches) {
          $Attribution = T('%s said:');
          $Attribution = sprintf($Attribution, "<a href=\"/profile/{$Matches[2]}\" rel=\"nofollow\">{$Matches[2]}</a>");
          return <<<BLOCKQUOTE
          <blockquote class="UserQuote"><div class="QuoteAuthor">{$Attribution}</div><div class="QuoteText"><p>
  • x00x00 MVP
    edited August 2014

    yes i did suspect it was rel

    grep is your friend.

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