Search Order?

NickENickE New
edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
This is probably a stupid topic, as I vaguely remember reading something about this earlier, but is there any way you can change the order search results are displayed? At the moment, they're shown via date in ascending order, and since it dosn't actually give you pages to jump to (another possible useful feature), and the most relevant results are most probably the most recent, plowing through a hundred different matches can/could be a rather large pain in the rear end.

And then just to point out a styling bug, in Opera, when you search then go to the advanced view, the placement of the next/previous links and save search form gets messed up.


  • ithcyithcy New
    edited February 2006
  • Oh. Stupid me, I knew I read something about this somewhere...

    Still, it'd be useful if the results at least had page controls instead of next/previous links, and/or gave you different sorting options.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    All of the limitations you're talking about were done on purpose to speed up the search results. Sorting of the results on a 300,000+ db is over 100 times slower than not sorting - that's *with* an index on the date field.

    Same thing with the next and previous links instead of a pagelist (like you get on the main discussion page). In order to get a pagelist, you need to get a count of the total number of records found in the search. This slows the search down immensely.
  • Ok, but shouldn't there be an option to sort on the search page?
  • Perhaps it should be an admin config option?
  • edited February 2006
    That too, but even if ordered searches are permitted on a per-forum level, the default should be unsorted on the search form.

    Then, the search would be sorted only if both admin and user agreed to it.

    I just checked, and my site is only 1500 posts after 6 months, so I think we can handle it.
  • yeah bergamot thats what i was intending.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That sounds like a nice extension...
  • Did anything ever come of this?
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