Ball park figures on Bandwith/hosting costs for a site like... Lussumo...

sprockettsprockett New
edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, does anyone here have first hand experience how much it would cost a for hosting/bandwidth for a site like lussumo? Fairly active forums/blog. Also, if i were to drop adwords/adsense in, would I be able to cover costs? Im a total newbie when it comes to gauging whether a site could be self sufficient... Thanks!


  • I haven't heard that any site would be self sufficient without a visitor amount in the tens of thousands, and then the cost of bandwith comes ot consideration. It would all boil down to the hosting costs of the site. Like my site is running on a host that bills 72€ a year for the site, database and domain. So If I got good visitor amounts, I might be able to cover some costs, but having the danger of going over my monthly bandwith and having to pay my for the extra.
  • Do you know how much bandwidth/database usage you'll be needing? There are some forums out there dedicated solely to web hosting (sad i know). If you give them the amount of space/bandwidth/database usage- they can give you the best host for you.
  • I use

    I reckon they're a good deal. Not had any major problems so far. Anything I have had a problem with their tech support has been pretty damn good. Read through all the details of what you can and can't do though.

    That said, their knowledge base says they don't support .htaccess but they now seem to do that. I'm happy :)
  • Some hosts these days with shared hosting seem to freak out more about excessive cpu usage rather than bandwidth quotas. I would say look for a host that charges based on space vs bandwidth caps first, then compare your options out from there if you're concerned about bandwidth. You should be able to find a good host if all you're planning on running is a forum and blog/news pages. Given all you would want is .htaccess / php + mysql / ftp (maybe a shell?) along with whatever other extras they might offer like control panels (if you REALLY need it). If you're expecting users ranging in the thousands or tens of thousands, expect general disk space to be low (providing you're just running forum/news/blog stuff) with pretty limited images. The most you'd have to pay for it all then is in terms of DB disk usage which would slowly crawl up day by day. So, I think in terms of it all, what's the current total DB usage, mark? :D
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    The database for this site is about ten megs in size. We have about 10,000 page views per day on the domain, and that's about 1000 unique visitors per day. According to my hosting provider, I have yet to break out of the "minimal bandwidth usage" range, and I take up almost no space on my virtual server (not including system logs which I clean out every three or four months).
  • 10 megs? Seriously? I would have guessed you broke the 25mb mark by now with all the databases combined (at most) and exceeded the minimum bandwidth usage. Either way, I guess that's good on both counts. How fair does vanilla run under a full load with cpu/mem stats reported?
  • Great hosting deals @ 1and1 $4.99 USD / month 10GB of Space, and 500GB Bandwidth 2 Domain Names included! 25 (100mb) MySQL Databases, with several other tools I've been with them for 3 years now, always had great service, they gave me credit for the outage when they had to upgrade my server. SSH and FTP access included :) I would imagine the DB would be the largest performance hit, sofar from what I have seen Vanilla performs quite well
  • im planning an ambitious gallery / forum site and a working version is abt to be testable... it'll support the various web2.0 stuff (tagging etc)... Im stilling debating as to what kind of biz model its gonna use, and whether ads alone will be able to sustain it. Basically, anyone can create a gallery/forum with tags, that links to flickr (so no photo hosting on my end). I have to plan the $$$ coz this is totally self funded, so I need to noe like how far can $100 /200/$500 a month in hosting fees get me etc...
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited February 2006
    20gigs of space and 1 terrabyte terabyte of bandwith/month from dreamhost for $10/month on shared, or 30gigs and 4tb for $100 on a dedicated server. unlimited mysqls and domains etc.

    can get ya a nice deal on these if you want ;-)
  • I'd love to see anyone use a terrabyte of bandwidth. And i'm sure the hosts would absolutely hate it. Someone give it a go.
  • Especially on a shared server...
  • The most I've used is 27gig in a week and that was sharing a FLAC of a live gig. About 400meg it was. I was worried what my hosts would say but they said bugger all.
  • heh. Well on my dedicated server i got a 200gig allowance (each way) and even using it for torrents (of perfectly legal files, naturally) we still didnt hit it.
  • Let me loose on it! :P
  • Use it as a public redirect for a game server, you'll see that badwidth go bye bye quickly if shared among 3 regularly played servers :)
  • I think "badwidth" may be the best accidentally-coined word I've heard in a while...
  • hahaha
  • oh, hey, look, I made a spelling mistake, haha. Ok, baNdwidth, but yeah, badwidth is equally as good.
  • hot damn, that's some badwidth you got there, brother. right on.
  • hahaha badwith. i like it. lech, im gonn start using from now on..
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