Won't enlarge on ipad?


I wonder if anyone can help. Just set up a forum latest vanilla software and have done a test post at the link below. The image seems to enlarge on a PC but when I try clicking on the thumbnail on my ipad it doesn't do anything, you can't click the file name or the delete link. Does anyone have any ideas how this can be resolved?


Thank you in advance for looking into it for me :)


  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited August 2014

    are you logged in on the ipad, when you try to download?

    and do you want guests to download.

    and you are using version of vanilla 2.3.1 - is this hosted?

    I haven't used vanilla 2.3.1, I am not even sure where it is available for download.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Hi peregrine,

    I am using the latest stable release 2.1.1 with the bootstrap theme.
    I am self hosting
    I have the addon file upload by Tim Gunter
    I am logged into the forum as admin when I try to download
    I don't mind who can download as long as people can :smiley:

    It works on the desktop PC but not on the ipad because when you put your finger on the thumbnail it brings up the file name and delete button underneath but it doesn't work. If I try to click the delete button for instance it actions the button underneath which is the italics icon in the text box. Does that help / make any sense? I hope you can help.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited August 2014

    what version of fileupload plugin are you using?

    also if you want someone to test it. you need to make filedownloads permissions available to guests.

    try this version of file upload http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/comment/208389/#Comment_208389

    also see: http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/26703/plugins-themes-that-work-and-don-t-work-in-vanilla-2-1
    if you have problems with other plugins and don't be shy, you can add p;ugins that do and don't work to the list, even it has been reported before.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your help.

    I am using 1.7.1 and I downloaded the two new files to make it say 1.8.1 however it said, upon enabling, that it could not do this as there was a fatal error :(

    All other plugins work fine and the forum seems to be running smoothly

  • I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Absolutely fantastic, all updated. Perfect instructions!! Thank you!!

    On low res images it does preview on the ipad, the larger sized images don't open still.

    Also I have an issue in that when i click delete on the image, the screen freezes. Does this happen on your forum?

  • its possible images won't enlarge if you don't have download permissions.

    Personally, I haven't run into screen freeze on my localhost forum to "delete".

    If you want to send me an ipad, I can test :). I can emulate ipad through browser but that is only emulation.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • ahh download permissions let me go and check.

    lol if I was a millionaire I would send you one, you have been so lovely in helping me :D

  • well im not sure if this is going to be helpful but i logged in as a moderator (i have two users as me!) and without permissions to upload images, upon deleting the image it came up with this error, refresh the page and the image is deleted.

    When I add permissions for the moderator to upload, when i try to delete, it freezes.

    hmm...pondering :)

    {"Delete":{"MediaID":"19","Status":"success","Media":{"MediaID":"19","Name":"top3.jpg","Path":"\/FileUpload\/2d\/3c4f4bc1d76ac95261fd205d1649b2.jpg","Type":"image\/jpeg","Size":"23467","InsertUserID":"1","DateInserted":"2014-08-15 18:04:46","ForeignID":"50","ForeignTable":"discussion","ImageWidth":"1446","ImageHeight":"282","StorageMethod":"local","ThumbWidth":"256","ThumbHeight":"128","ThumbPath":"thumbnails\/FileUpload\/2d\/3c4f4bc1d76ac95261fd205d1649b2.jpg"}},"FormSaved":true,"DeliveryType":"VIEW","Data":"","InformMessages":[],"ErrorMessages":"","RedirectUrl":""}

  • Actually what is happening when the screen freezes, is it is not frozen but the inform message uses an overlay and you need to dismiss it to regain control of the page.

    It is possible that the Inform Message is at the bottom of the page and can't be seen.

  • Ohh, you are correct, nothing is coming up on the page at all. I could possibly see how there could be some kind of dialogue box to say are you sure you want to delete and its not showing. I have checked in both Firefox and Chrome. What should I do?

  • I would try using a browser user agent switcher . It is an extension that allows you to see the page as if it was other devices the you can use a web inspector and see what may be happening. Maybe make that message show up higher.

  • Ahhh this has made everything clear. Its the bootstrap theme stopping the popup coming up and its stopping tablets from viewing the images. I have found this from using the agent switcher and looking at the code and testing on another theme.

    I don't think there is any way I can fix this, I am not experienced enough to play with the bootstrap css to know what to change to fix both issues. At least we got to the bottom of it and thank you both for helping me.

  • I don't use that theme since I make my own, but I am sure it just a matter of changing something simple. Make sure your ipad is not blocking popups also.

  • There is a fix for the delete!! If anyone is reading this and needs help, there is a fix to make the delete dialogue box come up for those using bootstrap and using file upload.

    Follow this link and replace the two .js files and it will solve the delete issue.


    It doesn't solve the enlarge issue on a tablet or mobile, but we are half way there :)

  • edited August 2014

    Ok, If you go to this link on your mobile or iPad, the picture opens another window when clicked to be seen full size or to be able to pinch and enlarge


    The same happens on all my themes. I made that happen by adding some jquery to the master to make the images pop open another window . Maybe that could work for you?

    <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() {
        $(".Attachment a").attr("target", '_blank');
  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited August 2014

    this is what I did using bootstrap 2.2.2
    added this to custom.css

        .Overlay > .Popup {
            left: 0 !important;
            opacity: 50 !important;
            top: 10% !important;

    may not be the best answer but shows the confirm box for me.

    enlarge works for me, but I don't have ipad.

    also got it to enlarge with jquery fancybox, instead of going to separate page.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • THANK YOU :D I will try it out and let you know what happens!! :D:D

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