overall question about code

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I wanted to suggest a few things for vanilla (before development goes on to add features). 1) Seperate frontend (HTML/CSS) from backend (PHP, SQL) 2) code clean up What do you guys think? ;-) Regarding "2", here is what I think: 2.1) Optimize the PHP/HTML issues to take "load" off of the parser (get rid off "foo=\"bar\"", replace with 'foo="bar"' and a few others of those). 2.2) Write more methods inside classes $foo->bar->foo2->bar2->whatever is just weird and could be replaced by nice function call inside the class. Those wouldn't necessarily be "faster", but it would make the code more readable and easier to be worked with. Don't know if this is wanted. :) Why do I propose this? I found it incredibly hard to put a style on this board because the code is a bit too much of a cocktail for my taste. I think a clean design will also improve contributions made and security in the long run. :-)


  • Have you seen 0.9.3 or are you basing these suggestions on 0.9.2 dude? in 0.93 (as far as i'm aware) the front and back end are almost entirely seperate and 'themeing' is a LOT easier. Further to that, there are guys working on a markup cleanup to make the front end even tidier.

    As for number 2 (tehehe), I think mark has changed all " and ' as appropriate for 0.9.3. How much of 2.2 has been done or is willing to be done i dont know. But i'm sure if it bothers you and you wanna do it (and it has no detrimental effects) he'd be willing to take it on board (pun intended).
  • I downloaded vanilla (again) 2 hours ago, before I started my "code hacking". :-) But I guess the download links to "". At least it looks like that. So 0.9.3 "stable" or under heavy development?
  • Get 0.9.3 from SVN.
  • 0.9.3 for the moment should only be used for bug hunting and dev testing. It probably shouldn't be deployed widely unless you're willing to unleash it upon your userbase to help find bigger bugs. Altho you do so at your own risk.
  • You will annoy Opera users if you deploy 0.9.3. There are major CSS issues. Wait until Nick1Presta cleans up the code client code.
  • It would be great to have some sort of manual of how you can implement the Vanilla Forum to you community, since it has some really nice features. Though this is possible, in a way, with the extension "Page Manager" but at many community sites, like my own, the forum is not the core of the site, only a minor part. So a guide of how to implement the board in a nice way to your community (i.e. login via the same forms etc.) would be really nice! Great work so far!
  • How you impliment the forum, is seriously all up to you. How far can you stretch your imagination and how much time are you willing to waste hacking out a template and accompanying css theme? It's really hard to create a guide to cover EVERY aspect and much of anything I just said should be possible in 9.3(1.0). In short, and not being rude in any way, the forum is only as extensible as far as your imagination and css/xhtml skills can take it :)
  • I just checked over the main page of Lussumo and found the feedback considering all the different classes and its really great to have. Since the PHP code is quite hard to follow its very good with the brief introduction to all class-layers. That's pretty much what I was asking for!
  • droozie, it's all available for your hacking pleasure in the next revision :)
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