Exporting/Importing Settings

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
One thing that annoys me about forums is that every time I register, I have to input my personal preferences (like avatar, number of threads per page, etc.) over and over again. It would be nice to be able to do this once, export the settings, and import the settings wherever I register again.


  • edited February 2006
    hmm. Interesting idea. They're all coming out the thinktank today huh?
    Only issue i see is that it might make it easier for robots to join. On a similar note some (gay) picture validation thing in the sign up form (optional) might not be such a bad idea, mark? Extension huh?
  • Picture validation is inaccessable to many users, and doesn't keep out all bots.
  • While I think loading/saving a profile once you're registered is a nice idea. I seriously think being able to load up a profile file in order just to sign up is a fairly bad one. You can achive this via your web browser most of the time with predefined extensions that do some of this work for you if you're really THAT lazy in filling out 4-5 short form fields. The main thought about this is this: think about letting someone you don't know load any kind of file for an app on your site to parse. Given I know mark or anyone else here would be smart enough to try to make it work as intended, there's still that off chance it's gonna choke, break, and perhaps even open a huge hole in anyones security that's bigger than goatse. And in short, that would be brutally aweful. Now, on the other hand, while you're already a member, being able to save said profile from one vanilla and copy it to another, now that would be a neat feature. Especially if you're one of those people who decides to turn your profile page into some weird mini-blog... my 2c
  • People, people, people, "One thing that annoys me about forums is that every time I register, I have to input my personal preferences (like avatar, number of threads per page, etc.)" Tell me, where in the registration form you put your avatar, select the number of threads per page, etc.? This is for after registration.
  • Yeah, Spooky, I wasn't completely shooting it down, I was just weighing out the pros and cons so I could see and understand and let everyone else have a read. Sounds like it would make for a good extension of sorts, the question though: who would take it up?
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