Tasty new Wacom owner owns a tasy new Wacom

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Just got this baby few hours ago and have just been doodling away with it.

Wacom Intuos3 A4, a BOMB if you ask me, it should be declared as threat to world peace, it is just THAT GOOD!

Here is something I whipped up in few minutes just for kicks and now I'm going to bother you with it.

Upper right and lower left corner are my own Moebius style, the style I most often use when I'm doing something artsy fartsy, just took one time to see him work in live and I was hooked, the man is a god damong men.
The upper left corner is Alita from Battle Angel Alita, easy to draw just cute up to hell and back and you got her.
Lower right corner is the most lovable mercenary and my personal Marvel favourite that I wouldn't mind be killed by, Deadpool.

And Bitey at the center just for good measure.



  • haha, nice work man, I used wacoms durring some of my 2d arts classes in college, they're fun if not frustrating sometimes :) that's personal preference tho :)
  • that is sweet.. wish i could draw as cood as u
  • lech, you don't even know the awesome power of Wacom, I used them everyday when I was studying, got really familiar with them. They just rock your socks off. Thanks sprockett, I used to have real mad skills but over 6 months without drawing - just coding the whole time - really makes you impotent graphically.
  • I bought a 9x12 Wacom a few years ago, then threw it in the closet after about a year when I discovered it didn't make me a better artist.
  • Kosmo, yeah, I'm not saying they don't rock, however to a degree they just bugged me, at least the older ones did. There wasn't really an option to adjust it so you can use it like a mouse. Basically, the point where you were on the wacom was a relative point on the screen at the given resolution which at the time was a PAIN. I'm sure you can now use the stylus as freely as a mouse though.
  • Yeah, you can choose from the options to go to the mouse mode, these come with mouse too. This thing emulates paper really well, the surface is tad rough and the pen has changeable tips and one of them is just like a marker on a paper, it even makes the sound :D But when buyin a wacom you have to take in consideration several things, if you have big monitor and high resolution you should buy large tablet, if you don't have so high resolution you can go with the smaller, since it's 1:1 monitor to tablet you can imagine that how fast the mouse is moving on the smaller tablets if you have like 20" monitor and the Volito size tablet. This Intuos3 has amazing pressure sensitivity, I just lay the pen on the tablet and it draws on the lightest settings, you don't have to apply any force at all. Just like a soft pencil on a paper, you can adjust that to be like H9 pencil so that you don't make almost any mark at all if you like.
  • wacoms have come a long way since i've played with them. If I had the cash to drop on one though, I'd probably give them another go.
  • i like the top right and bottom left the most. they all kick ass!
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