Yet another..

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
typical CSS gallery, leaf logo and nothing to the point. Is it just me or is the CSS pimpage just getting so old now, there are around 30 pages of the same, and nothing more. I like Stylegala the best, it maintains the quality, it just doesn't take every site out there, and there is a point, more than just a big gallery of sites, there are actually information on the site.


  • Yep, serious yawnage.
  • There's 30+ of the buggers now! The only thing I find interesting about them is that they're one of the few places on the net that you can see what is waiting for you on the other side of the link. Google would be a whole lot more interesting if you could do that. But aye, I'm getting a bit bored of leafs, drop shadows, et al.
  • I would understand if there was around 30+ cancer cures on the market, they atleast do something, but even one CSS Gallery page is just not that useful. So why do we need so many of them?
  • 100% Pure XHTML and CSS

    The fact they used Flash to get that message on there makes me laugh.
  • Hehe, their definition on pure css and xhtml is different from the common :P
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited February 2006
    On the topic of visualising links again... is interesting. You can see my recent link at Imagine if you were reading through a huge list of links to other sites and wanted a quick hint at which ones might be worth looking at...
  • never judge a book by it's cover ;-)
  • they're not books :-P
  • I don't know why they bother. They mainly post sites that have already been featured on one of the other galleries.
  • edited February 2006
    Here's why Emaginacion made one...

    What do we do From time to time our website has been featured in the most important CSS galleries around the world, so we decided to start a new one ourselves to feature amazing designs from other CSS designers.

    Seems kinda like a silly reason to me.
  • 3stripe> One search engine at least has this option: You can play with 3 different views: text, text+thumbnails or thumbnails (if you can find the small icons at the right of the top grey bar) As with Expose, it's pretty cool but I won't use that on a regular basis. It could be useful for finding again a particular site though, more useful than 'History' in the browser when you've surfed through 50+ sites 3 days ago :)
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