offline verification by registration
hello everyone
I need generate security code by registration process - I need to send this code offline (by paper post). Maybe there is some solutions in plugins? I can't find it... Maybe someone can help me?
Do you want to bind registration to the requirement that the user has some kind of security code, or do you want a security code to appear after registration which the user then has to send to you?
The former could be done using invitations, the latter would require a custom plugin.
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I mean the following: after the registration of the user immediately receives the right to see only one section of the forum. It has been implemented by pure forum engine without any plugins.
To view the other sections, the user must pass the inspection of the real address. For this, I print out some code and sent it to the user by paper mail (and add this code from adminpanel to the SQL). A user enters this code on any specific page of the forum and if the code was correct - admin become message about this operation and manually add user to groups with specific rights.
(sorry for my english - it is automatic translate)
Why would you,
Its exactly the same as email confirm or manually verify your users. But your request doesnt exist cause no one except you should use this.
You can request a scripter to make a plugin for you but thats not free, its alot of work.
I'd just create something like a "VIP user" role and restrict category access for the normal user role.
The verification process, how you described it, requires adding the users to the advanced role manually anyway, so why not just let them send a PM to the admins with their code?
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You don't need to explain any further, @m_maksim. I understodd that it is not the same as any existing verification methods and if you want to ensure that your members are who they claim to be, this is a very good way to do so.
In fact, I've started thinking about how to implement that feature. I would use ProfileExtender to manage the additional fields. So you can set up address fields the way you like.
Afterwards you need a setting screen where you can choose which fields are required for sending a letter (I think they shouldn't be required for all users) and a dropdown to select the role a verified user will belong to.
As soon as a user completes those required fields (and he hasn't verified before) he is on a list where you can see all relevant info: name, address, verification link. That list should be exportable as CSV.
If the user visits the link in the letter, he is marked as "verified" and promoted to the role you've set up. Having a QR code in the letter would be great, maybe you could find a solution for OpenOffice where you can use the CSV to generate the QR code - that would be cool!
I like that idea so much that I might come up some day with a solution, but don't count on me - I do not promise anything concerning that! If you need such a solution, you should better pay someone for it.
Just curious @R_J, did you ever implement this?
I've started but I cannot tell you when and why I have stopped. I've just uploaded the sources to GitHub:
Feel free to use as much of it as you like! But I've never did any code cleanup there. And I'm not sure what part of that ever worked and what not...
Thanks. I am thinking about a different invite model and may use some of your code as inspiration.
What I see now is that the invitation concept is an invite to the forum. While this may be the final goal (in expanding forum audience), I think that in many cases a new user may be interested in a specific discussion and through involvement with it may later join other conversations and before he knows it he becomes an active user. Moreover, I feel that an invite by a discussion author is more likely to elicit interest than an invite by an admin.
So while there is flexibility in the current invite scheme, I am thinking that it would be nice if the author (and perhaps a commenter) of a discussion can click on an "invite" (or perhaps "Share") button and on the following popup screen enter the email of a friend he'd like to join in the discussion. That email may belong to an existing enrolled user or a new one not yet in the system, so clearly different actions would be needed.
I oversimplified, but that's what I am pondering.
One of the plugin ideas I had has been "recommendPost". That's the code I have so far:
So if you ask me, I think it is a good idea!
Combining this with an invitation and an external mail instead of a user is what you are talking about.