Just introducing myself
Hey everyone, I've been browsing these boards for a couple of days now, scouring through the different discussions and now I want to contribute my own support.
However something really upset me the other day, as I had done a lot of research as to what web forum I wanted to use for my site, and I noticed Vanilla used on a couple of sites I've recently visited. I saw it as an alternative to the majority of web forums currently available.
I was so glad with my choice I wanted to get the community started by inviting people to my forum. Then I got a reply from someone asking if I was really serious about setting up a online discussion board. His exact words were...
Anyway at this point I felt it was time I helped the community so I decided to join the discussion board. I hope my post hasn't put anyone off me already, and in the future maybe I can be of assistance to you.
However something really upset me the other day, as I had done a lot of research as to what web forum I wanted to use for my site, and I noticed Vanilla used on a couple of sites I've recently visited. I saw it as an alternative to the majority of web forums currently available.
I was so glad with my choice I wanted to get the community started by inviting people to my forum. Then I got a reply from someone asking if I was really serious about setting up a online discussion board. His exact words were...
"I realy dislike the layout of this forum. I can hardly find what I'm looking for. That alone is reason enough for me not to sign up. Find some diffrent forum software if you're serious about starting a forum, dude."I was initially shocked by what the person meant, I personally don't find it hard to use. Then I asked what it was that bothered him about the forum. Again his response goes as...
"Not to be picky, but pretty much everything. Forums, IMO, need to have a global look. Go to every major forum on the net and you will instantly see the similarities."At this point I was slightly disheartened, my response went as follows...
"True, there are standards. However the Vanilla forum made by Lussumo has a different approach towards discussion boards. It's alternative approach does not necessarily mean that it cannot do it's job."Again it seems they were not willing to give it a try, their response being...
"Might work. But I think I'm not the only one when I say that I expect certain standards when visiting a message board. On top of the list is that I must see within a few seconds how the site works, or at least be lead in the right direction. This is a rule of thumb for any website, and it's obviously not present with your website. I lost interest in it after looking at it for just 3 seconds. Might sound harsh, but if you are serious about doing this, put a little more effort into it."Is it wrong for me to be frustrated at this person's closed minded attitude?
Anyway at this point I felt it was time I helped the community so I decided to join the discussion board. I hope my post hasn't put anyone off me already, and in the future maybe I can be of assistance to you.
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The way that this forum came about (Focusing from a single "category" on a UBB, or similar type forum) and has evolved (To now to re-include categories), has done nothing but innovate on the, frankly, stale forum market.
Really, your pal here is advocating going and using a cookie cutter forum, which hasn't changed in any seriously tangible way in about 8 years without even trying Vanilla out.
Itchy's right, the guy's clueless and, personally, my response would be to tell him to try it out for a week and then come back to me with his opinions.
"Prisoners of war often have difficulty readjusting to freedom when they get out, but ask any former-POW if he'd like to return to the camp and he'll laugh in your face."
There are people here who'd had the same difficulties (especially where discussions-first comes into play) but after a bit of use i know very few people who are still unhappy with the software. Tell him to give it a break. If he doesnt like it in a while he can take a hike.
Bear in mind, though, that if he's so bothered about it looking and working like phpBB, it really wont be that difficult for him to write a theme for it.
Well you could try the page manager extension, but a lot of people've been having trouble getting it work, so installing it might be a fruitless venture.
WWWThreads & clones --> UBB & clones --> Vanilla
That guy is swinging from trees with his tail. Ever try following discussion in WWWThreads? Thats the same way I feel when reading somewhere that is not Vanilla.
Here's an old screen-grab of it from way back in the early days of 0.9.3 development:
I personally prefer that pseudo table look.
stoleborrowed liberally from minivanilli when writing my theme.