Cannot install AT ALL

Hey everyone!
I really need your guys help. I downloaded Vanilla forums and tried to upload it, after that not working due to a PDO error and my web hosting being too lazy to help out their best customer, I tried to install straight from cPanel itself, but every single time I try to, I get the error: "Installation failed" And that is it, no detail as to why it failed! Can someone please tell me what I can do?
Thanks, Rhys
if pdo is not enabled it will fail pure and simple.
create a web page called phpinfo.php
with this inside it
if you don't see pdo enabled.
there is no way around it without your host helping (or adjusting php.ini) or switching to another web hoster that does have it.
same answer as before - no matter how many new discussions you start.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
In this discussion, I am saying that the install from cPanel doesn't work now
well you are sounding rude.
I provided you info on how to show phpinfo
you never said you solved the pdo issue or followed up on the last thread to change that fact.
you last said pdo doesn't work.
i tied in your last question so others could see history.
You can lead a Horse to water ....
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
If you don't want to sound rude, perhaps don't be rude?
Your web host has not enabled a critical feature required for Vanilla installation.
This has been explained to you on another thread.
It doesn't matter what route you think you are taking; if your host hasn't enabled PDO you aren't going to be able to install Vanilla.
We're a friendly, helpful bunch here, please don't snap at people if you don't understand an answer; try asking for clarification if something isn't clear.
A web host not having PDO enabled/installed in 2014 is ridiculous, consider switching.
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What about a web host refusing to upgrade from PHP 5.2? It's a digression, but on topic at the same time.
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@businessdad - that would fall in to the same category. --- switch to a different host.
glad I could help
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.