Error while adding tags to discussion

Hello, I recently enabled tagging and wasn't able to add tags to the interface. I then tried to use the plugin Tagging Enhanced, but it didn't work as I expected, and reading the comments it was recommended to disable it. Then remove, place the VF core tagging plugin (in my case from 2.1.6) and re-enable.

I did that and I see the tagging option and settings to add new tags. That works fine. When I edit a discussion to add a tag that I've added through the tagging-settings page, I end up with the following error:

 {"Code":256,"Exception":"Field 'DateInserted' doesn't have a default value|Gdn_Database|Query|insert GDN_TagDiscussion \n(`TagID`, `DiscussionID`, `CategoryID`) \nvalues (:TagID, :DiscussionID, :CategoryID)","Class":"Gdn_ErrorException"}

Has anyone else seen this or have an idea how to correct it?


  • run utility structure and always enable plugins via dashboard.

    and always disable plugins before changing contents of plugins folder.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • rotaechorotaecho New
    edited December 2014

    @peregrine I found the location for utility: /index.php?p=/utility/structure

    I'll give that a shot. Thanks.

  • edited December 2014

    To run them


  • When you run utility/structure do it from the dashboard because if there is something that needs to be fixed it will show you a button to fix the structure of the database.

    Run it several times until no errors are found.

  • I ran the structure and didn't see any errors with that. I went ahead and recreated a new discussion post and added some tags. Upon saving the post I got the same error:

    "Code":256,"Exception":"Field 'DateInserted' doesn't have a default value|Gdn_Database|Query|insert GDN_TagDiscussion \n(TagID,DiscussionID,CategoryID) \nvalues (:TagID, :DiscussionID, :CategoryID)","Class":"Gdn_ErrorException"}

    The tag appears on the post later, but always has this error upon new tags on a post.

  • @vrijvlinder‌ I put the URL complete on the line before getting that message. Where can you find these tools under the dashboard?

  • edited December 2014

    It does not matter just be in the dashboard when you run the structure link , then a window will open in the dashboard with the info and the button to press to get the structure fixed.

  • @vrijvlinder‌ okay I was originally in the dash when I ran it, so I'll keep that in mind.

    I think something got jumbled up with the tagging tables between the two plugins.

    I may drop the current tagging tables and reimport clean tables from a new 2.1.6 DB dump. I am not sure how else to fix this issue. I'll hold off a bit in-case someone provides a better solution.

  • rotaechorotaecho New
    edited December 2014

    I backed my DB up before doing this:

    Disabled tagging plugin

    Dropped the tables from the suspected DB that got borked with the tagging plugin fiasco.

    DROP TABLE GDN_TagDiscussion;

    Imported new tables from a clean 2.1.6 DB

    mysqldump -u root -p forums GDN_Tag > GDN_Tag.sql
    mysqldump -u root -p forums GDN_TagDiscussion > GDN_TagDiscussion.sql

    None of the tags were there in the tables, looked clean. I went ahead and enabled the plugin and went to the settings. I didn't see any values there so added the tag #sample

    I went back to a new discussion and created a tag and got this error.

    {"Code":256,"Exception":"Duplicate entry '#sample--1' for key 'UX_Tag'|Gdn_Database|Query|insert GDN_Tag \n(Name,InsertUserID,DateInserted,CountDiscussions) \nvalues (:Name, :InsertUserID, :DateInserted, :CountDiscussions)","Class":"Gdn_ErrorException"}

    I'm really at a loss now. I'm not sure why / how it has a duplicate as it was a clean slate.

  • Okay, correction, it only gives that error with discussions already having hash tags defined and adding new tags to them. New discussions appear fine.

  • rotaechorotaecho New
    edited December 2014

    I spoke too soon.

    I got the error again.

    For shits and giggles. I created a new forum fresh. Enabled only the authentication plugins (FB, Google, Twitter), and the tagging plugin.

    I enabled the stock tagging plugin and then added my tags. Some discussions add the tags no problem. However, other newly created discussions provide the following error.

    {"Code":256,"Exception":"Duplicate entry '#samplehash--1' for key 'UX_Tag'|Gdn_Database|Query|insert GDN_Tag \n(Name,InsertUserID,DateInserted,CountDiscussions) \nvalues (:Name, :InsertUserID, :DateInserted, :CountDiscussions)","Class":"Gdn_ErrorException"}

    I'm seriously out of ideas at this point.

  • So doing some research I found something related here:

    I disabled strict mode to the MySQL DB, but didn't seem to resolve my problem.

    More hunting

  • I think part of this relates to the lower-case only with hashtags. As suggested here:

    However, I'm now back to the error:

    {"Code":256,"Exception":"Field 'DateInserted' doesn't have a default value|Gdn_Database|Query|insert GDN_TagDiscussion \n(TagID,DiscussionID,CategoryID) \nvalues (:TagID, :DiscussionID, :CategoryID)","Class":"Gdn_ErrorException"}

    Getting closer, least I know not to use caps :)

  • rotaechorotaecho New
    edited December 2014

    Think the DB isn't taking setting properly. Let me dig

  • Okay, this has been resolved.

    I'm using MySQL 5.6 on CentOS 6.5.

    Even though I have my own /etc/my.cnf definition it still didn't disable the strict mode, because it was looking at: /usr/my.cnf just comment the line:


    Then the tagging should function properly.

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